So, Roswell was a weather balloon?.....Sure it was.....This tale reads like entries taken from a diary, so don't expect a lot of character building. Also, this was written long before 'The Grammar Fairy' and I ran into each other. Hope you enjoy the read folks.
Ordinary software developer Ian Jackson is still trapped in the videogame world. This time he finds himself in an old-fashioned 2D platformer and the sexy dragon girl waiting beyond the final level has less than pure intentions for him. Will he be able to extricate himself from this bit of bubble bother?
In a near future, DNA sequencing allows an accurate image of the future human based only on the genes in a fertilized egg. And a simple scan by a smart phone can determine the exact genetic sequence that a man or woman would contribute to a baby just then. Any man and woman meeting casually can visualize with great accuracy the baby they could create if they had sex. What would happen? What are the implications of seeing a person you could create?
A Swarm Cycle Story
What happens to a man after his family is 'extracted' by the Confederacy? What can he do, if anything, to survive without his loved ones? This is one man's story after just such an event.
A The Machine Story (1) There is a world, almost like ours except where something else happened, untouchable until someone invents a machine that can see these worlds, so what would happen if someone stepped through? - - - - DS Jack Adams and Susan Pulse are called to investigate a death, of Jack Adams and Susan Pulse! - base on the Hollies song 'Mad Professor Blyth'
A Swarm Cycle Story
Mary is a prude, a extremely religious woman who finds herself in the middle of a Pickup. How does she react when her ex informs her he is taking the children, but offers her a slot as a concubine, if she can overcome her distaste for anything sexual. Told from both his and her perspective.