This story is the sequel to "The Courier"... As the End Of Summer Festival begins, a long standing sibling rivalry spirals out of control as Misty and Miranda explore thier fantasies, blissfully unaware of the dark shadow an evil chef has cast upon Misty's home town of Cerulean City...
After yet another arguement with Ash, Misty finds herself befriended by an understanding woman with a tragic past. Together they must overcome the end result of Ash's anger at being rejected, and the sinister macinations of a power hungry Sylph Co scientist.
With Slyph Co. besieged by a tech-loving gastly, it is up to Miranda, and excentric hacker, and a dispassionate security guard to stop the mischievous spirit before he can bring down the might of the Tower itself upon the largest city in Kanto.
Drawn home by Lavender Town's anual Halloween festivities, Miranda, Misty and their pokemone find themselves standing alone against the vengeful fury of an evil older than the Tower itself...
A mysterious and enigmatic transfer student takes an interest in Minako, and soon implicated in a series of strange occurences near their school. It is then up to Minako to not only clear her friend's name, but to show the girl that life is still worth living, even when a fate worse than death has befallen her.