It was too much for Little Miss Virgin to ignore. She had to do it now. Right Now. Her fingers found the sweet spot and soon she was spinning in a mist of euphoric release. She hoped her silent admirer was watching from across the courtyard. She twisted her naked body to give him a good view of the cream between her legs. The knock on the door made her heart beat fast and she sprayed her juice onto the pristine white carpet.
Hello dear readers- I feel like an outcast out here in the outback with no document App to get my tales to you - but I have found a way to get this through to you and it a spicy little tale full of the naughty bits that we all love. In using Sat-Nav Tec and other means the grammar is sometimes distorted - still, do enjoy.
"Remember tomorrow kid, ok," he said as he did up his pants. "If you wants some action bring a Mars bar and don't forget the condoms. Our ladies here may be mad but their plumbing still works and we don't want any accidents."
A 15 year old girl has been sad for years ever since she'd been told there was no Santa. But this Christmas Eve was filled with magic and dreams she never knew she had came true. And truth wasn't the only t hing to come in this humourous tale.