Billy Jo is 18 and willing to learn. She has the reputation of being a "brown nose" but she thinks it is for the wrong reason. Her problem is she is far too submissive to those in control and she likes the way it makes her feel.
This should perhaps be more accurately described as speculative fiction regarding the near future of the medical field. With everyone growing up with the internet and generally much more exposure to sex and nudity, I expect that a number of factors will result in a lot less bodily modesty and greater acceptance of public nudity and sex. And the economics of the huge expense of modern medicine may force a lot less concern for privacy.
what's different about me is that I'm a bit of an introvert, I usually prefer the company of animals over people and find it difficult to make friends, not that I need friends because I am very happy with my own company. I'm shy and also have an inferiority complex and I guess that you could call me submissive, a submissive exhibitionist
On a frantic invitation of a friend I decide to visit him. From the very first day I found the atmosphere very much to my liking. Things could not have devloped any better than they did...
While on a visit to Bombay, I stayed with my friend, Kris. There I met Amita, a beggar girl. Kris invites her to join the blue film industry. After initial hesitation Amita agrees.
In love with my wife, but with a love life that left much to be desired due to her commitment to her job. Then a young married woman takes an interest in me. So begins a romance that should not have happened. Regrets? I have none.