Christmas Present Boy - Cover

Christmas Present Boy

by ChrisCross

Copyright© 2020 by ChrisCross

Erotica Sex Story: When fourteen-year-old Jordy notices that his very intimate friend, sixteen-year-old Matt, has a lot of new sports equipment in his room, Matt says he got it from his soccer coaches, Butch Blake and Chuck Jamison, who own a sports store. Matt invites Jordy to go to a Christmas party the coaches are giving for the soccer team Matt is on, where Jordy discovers that he is Matt's Christmas present to Butch and Chuck.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/mt   mt/mt   Consensual   Gay   Fiction   Sports   Light Bond   Rough   Group Sex   Interracial   Black Male   White Male   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Safe Sex   Size   Teacher/Student   .

“You giving me a Christmas present this year?”

Jordy and Matt were side by side, on their backs, on Matt’s bed. Sixteen-year-old Matt’s parents were off doing Black Friday shopping. Fourteen-year-old Jordy and Matt both had their T-shirts off but their jeans and briefs were just pulled down to the knees in case Matt’s parents came home early and they had to do a fast readjust. Across the room a video was showing on Matt’s computer of an older man—maybe as old as forty—in a tuxedo, fucking a naked boy with just a black bow tie at his neck. Other men in tuxedos were sitting around, watching, and pleasuring themselves. The two boys were jerking off to the film. They had moved from stroking themselves to each reaching over and pulling on the other’s dick.

“Sure, Matt, if I have the money for it,” small, blond, perfectly formed Jordy said. “What do you want?”

“I think you know what I want. And it won’t cost you anything.” In recent weeks the boys had moved from mutual jerkoffs to actual anal sex, Matt on Jordy. Jordy had said he wanted it, but thus far he’d had to be coaxed into it each time. It was all new to him, although the two boys had discussed their interest in men for some time.

“But that would be a present for me too, wouldn’t it?” Jordy asked. But then he gasped as, without speaking further, Matt rolled over on top of him, latched onto Jordy’s lips with his, and moved his other hand to under the younger boy’s balls, where he teased Jordy’s hole with a thumb and, as the kissing continued, penetrated with the digit and finger fucked Jordy. It wasn’t long before Matt mounted the sighing, panting boy and fucked him. They’d only begun doing this in the past couple of weeks, but already they were getting quite good with it.

Later, with both boys dressed and the computer monitor now turned to a European league soccer game and the boys anticipating Matt’s parents to return at any moment, Matt was lounging on the bed and watching the game while Jordy roamed around the room looking at all of the new sports equipment Matt had accumulated.

“You got a lot of sports stuff here,” Jordy said. “Some of it looks brand new.”

“The coaches of my soccer team own a sports store,” Matt says. “They’re good with giving stuff to guys who are good to them.”

“What do you mean?” Jordy said, stopping hefting a baseball bat and turning to look at Matt.

“I think you know what I mean. You like that baseball glove?”

“Sure, who wouldn’t?” Jordy said, although he dropped the glove on the floor next to bat as if it were a hot potato.

“You could get a glove like that if you wanted. It’s Christmas time. A lot of new stuff is floating around.”

“If I brought something new and expensive-looking like that into the house, my parents would notice. They’d want to know where I got it. They watch me like a hawk.”

“They don’t watch you too close,” Matt said, with a snort.

“Whatcha mean?”

“They don’t know we fuck around like we’ve just done, do they?”

“Shit, I hope not.”

“I know how you could get a glove like that or some other sports equipment you wanted and your parents wouldn’t question it. They’d let you go back for the opportunity to get more.”

“How?” Jordy asked, although he hesitated as he had a feeling they were moving into dangerous, new territory here.

Which they were.

“Butch and Chuck—my soccer coaches who own a sports store.”

“Yeah, what about them?” Jordy asked, somewhat nervously. He suspected he knew what there was about them. And he was right. But he was working his way into this new life he’d found. He’d known there was something beyond Matt. He wanted there to be something beyond Matt. He’d already thought about going with older men, men who really knew what they were doing and were hunks.

“They both are good to the guys on the soccer team who are good to them—and they’re having a Christmas party for the soccer team Saturday night of next week.”

“I’m not on the soccer team.”

“But you’d be eligible to play next spring. They are always recruiting. They’ve got a group of younger guys they say are on the ‘futures list’ and who they let practice with the team. Both Butch and Chuck like guy’s your age—a lot. You can just tell your parents you are interested in playing soccer next spring and I could take you to the party with me.”

“Well. These coaches. They’re...”

“They’re both hunks, Jordy. They’re old guys, maybe in their thirties, but they’re both gym rats. Butch isn’t good looking, but he’s got a body-builder’s body. Chuck is black—you’ve said that black guys turn you on—and he’s a real hunk. He’s got a great tattoo on his chest. They know moves no one else I’ve been with know. Regular gymnasts, they are.”

“Moves? You’ve moved with a lot of guys?” Jordy asked. He wasn’t saying “no,” though. He obviously was giving this thought. It wasn’t just about getting nifty sports equipment. Jordy had been thinking what other guys—older guys—would be like. A black guy? One with a great tattoo? And what else did he have that stood out above what other guys had? Jordy had heard about black guys being extra large. He’d seen that in videos.

Matt laughed. “What do you think? Yeah, I go with other guys when there’s something in it for me. You could go to the party and come home with something new and you could tell your folks you won it in a game at the party. No problem. So, what do you think? You want to come to the party? I could introduce you to Butch and Chuck.”

“I think I hear your parents’ car coming into the driveway. I think maybe I should be going home now,” Jordy said—but he was pondering and showing a little smile.

“Ah, so you brought him—a Christmas present,” one of the owners of BC’s Sports Shop, Butch Blake said as he met Matt and Jordy by a display case of the store where the early Christmas party was being held. The two boys had arrived just a few minutes earlier. “Jordy is it?” he said as he gripped Jordy’s hand. “Matt, why don’t you go pick out your reward while I get acquainted with your young friend here?”

A Christmas present? Matt’s reward? Jordy didn’t know whether to be upset about that or not. He’d wanted to come to this party. He wasn’t dumb enough not to know what could happen at this party. He’d leave disappointed if it didn’t happen, he knew.

Matt laughed and walked off, leaving Blake and Jordy standing by the display case, Jordy’s hand still in Blake’s grip, the boy shy and looking down into the glass top of the display case. Blake’s eyes followed the direction of Jordy’s attention

“Do you fancy that sports watch, Jordy?”

Of course Jordy fancied it, even though he hadn’t been focusing on the watch until Mr. Blake mentioned it. It was a fancy watch in a black and yellow color. All of the guys would notice him wearing a watch like that. Matt was already off by the Christmas tree in the front window of the store, the blinds on the windows now being down to give privacy to the party. Matt was being consulted closely to the point of fondling by the store’s other owner, Chuck Jamison, who was helping Matt figure out the lacings of a pair of knee pads Matt had picked up.

Together, Butch Blake and Chuck Jamison, in addition to coaching Matt’s community high-schooler-age soccer team, made up the “BC” of the store title. Both men, probably in their mid-thirties, were good looking and belonged to a gym.

“Yes, of course I’d like to have a watch like that,” Jordy answered. “Maybe I’ll tell my folks I’d like one for Christmas.”

“It would be a great Christmas gift, yes,” said Blake. “But maybe you could earn it on your own.” Blake had come out of the handshake and had placed his hand on the small of Jordy’s back. “Matt thinks you’d be great on the soccer team and we like to give incentives for good prospects.”

“I’m not old enough for the team. I’m just fourteen.”

“But you’ll be in high school next year, won’t you?” Blake asked. “We sometimes sign up prospects early. Matt has told you about Chuck and me, hasn’t he? He told me he had and that you were happy to come to the Christmas party.”

“Yeah, he did,” Jordy answered. It was pretty evident what this party was for, especially since Matt had been pretty direct with him on what the opportunities for Jordy were. The whole roster of the high school-age boys’ soccer team wasn’t here—maybe only about six of the guys on the team. There were a couple of younger boys like Jordy there too. And there were some men, older men—more men than boys, actually. The men were mingling with the boys and being quite friendly with them. This was “that” sort of Christmas party. Everyone here was male, the blinds on the window were down, the booze was flowing, and the men were friendly, some of them already getting frisky with the boys although it was early in the evening.

“If we were interested in you for the team when you were old enough, we might seal the deal with a watch like that.” His hand moved down to palm Jordy’s butt and Jordy, who wouldn’t have come to the party if he hadn’t made certain decisions, didn’t move away. The man was sniffing the boy’s hair and Jordy was expecting the come-on line of “You smell nice,” but he didn’t go there. The boy knew where the man was headed, though. Jordy couldn’t say he wasn’t flattered. “You’re so cute, you deserve nice things,” Blake murmured into Jordy’s curly blond hair.

Jordy was prepared for it. Matt had made quite clear before Jordy agreed to come to the party that both of the store owners were gay tops and were forward about it. He also said that both men liked boys Jordy’s age.

Blake reached behind the case and took the sports watch out and put it on Jordy’s wrist.

“Try it on for size, Jordy. You be very nice to me and the watch is yours. I have to consult with Chuck on signing you up on future clearance for the soccer team, but you get my vote if you’re very nice to me. Think about it.” He kissed Jordy on the ear, and then, with a laugh, he slid away from the boy, gesturing Matt to come back and help prepare Jordy as Matt’s Christmas gift to the store owners.

Matt spent some time checking on how comfortable Jordy was with where this was going, and when he was sure that Jordy was on board, he caught the eye of the other owner of the store, the black guy, Chuck Jamison. He’s been explicit about Blake and Jamison being gay tops who liked to do young boys, that this was what this party was about, and that Matt was bringing Jordy to help him get free sports stuff the same way Matt had—but letting the store owners and men they designated fuck him. When he was sure they were on track, he motioned for the black partner, Chuck Jamison, that they were ready to come over to him.

“Chuck wants to meet you, Jordy,” he said. This was another hurdle in this process. He knew that Chuck would be quite open about what was wanted from Jordy. If the boy was going to balk and run it would be because of how direct and crude Chuck would be. Matt well knew that once the men got on top of Jordy, that would be that—there would be no balking and running.

Matt took Jordy directly to Chuck Jamison over by the Christmas tree. Blake joined him, one standing on either side of the boy, psychologically holding him in place there, while Matt went off to make himself available to some of the older guests who were ogling him and the other boys. It wasn’t just the coaches and sports equipment. There was some hard cash for boys like Matt to earn here.

Jamison was black, and a very good looking and muscular black. He was better looking than Butch Blake but not any more muscular. The two made a very good pair, although it was obvious from the way they interacted with each other and others that they weren’t paired—rather they moved in tandem, both working to get the same thing.

Like what was happening with Blake, immediately upon reaching Jamison, Jordy felt the man’s hand cupping one of my butt cheeks. As Matt warned, the black partner was the more forward of the two.

Blake, on the other side of Jordy, was cupping the other butt cheek—the universal demonstration of possession. Jordy wondered if they would fuck him together too. It was a foregone conclusion that the two would fuck the boy if they wanted to—and any of the other men in the room too if the store owners made it worth Jordy’s while. He wouldn’t have come to the party if he wasn’t resolved to step up the game. Blake squeezed Jordy’s butt cheek and the boy gave a shake of it in response.

“So, Butch tells me you are interested in signing with the soccer team future’s list,” Chuck said.

“Yes, sir,” Jordy said.

“We can dispense with the ‘sir,’ I think. Just call me Chuck. I suspect we’re going to become very good friends.”

“I hope so ... Chuck.”

“Matt tells me Jordy has done some of this with him already,” Butch said.

“Ah, so Matt has fucked you already?” Chuck asked, giving Jordy a grin. The hand on the boy’s butt squeezed. Jordy didn’t resist it. One of Chuck’s fingers pushed between Jordy’s mounds and found and pressed on his hole. Jordy felt himself open, a fairly new and pleasant sensation for him, and he didn’t resist the pressure there either. He started to pant lightly. Only Matt had done this thus far. He was moving into new sex partner territory and it both exhilarated and frightened him.

“A bit,” Jordy murmured.

“A bit? I like the sound of that,” Chuck said. “I like the idea of you not having lost your freshness yet.” He gave another grin. Chuck had a very nice grin. He was wearing a tight, but loose-knit, T-shirt under a jacket. Jordy could see through to the chocolate chest. His pecs were covered by an angel-wing tattoo, a circle around the nipples left bare to show quarter-sized dark-brown aureoles. This was all new territory for Jordy—being this close to a black guy in heat for him. His nipples were puffed out. He was ready for sex. Jordy was as well. The boy wondered how big the man was built. There was that rumor—more a legend—about black cocks. As far as Jordy knew, Matt was big. What if this guy was a lot bigger? Could he handle it?

“You ever been fucked by a black man?” Chuck asked, as if he’d been able to read Jordy’s mind.

“Not yet,” Jordy answered.

Chuck laughed. “Good answer. And you’re only fourteen, right?”

“Yes, sir. Sorry that I don’t look older.”

“No, it’s great that you look so young. So, are you willing to audition for the team?”


“On your back—for both of us, Butch and me? You gonna be Butch and my Christmas present this year?”

“Yeah ... I guess so.” If you’re patient with me. If you’re good to me. This is what Jordy wanted to say, but he was quickly losing any control here. He’d walked into the party under his own steam. He’s set himself up for this. And he wanted it. He wanted to get on with this in his life.

Chuck laughed again. The finger at Jordy’s hole pressed in. The boy didn’t try to move away from it. He turned his face to Chuck, who was looking at him and smiling. Chuck knew where his finger was, what it was doing, and that Jordy wasn’t resisting. The boy gave the man a shy smile back. The pressure of the finger released, but then pushed in again—and again. Jordy felt his butt muscles involuntarily, instinctively grabbing at it. It was a new, sexually charged sensation for Jordy and he melted to it. He was almost disappointed when it pulled away, but then he gasped and their eyes locked again as the hand went between his waistband at the back and his flesh, snaked down between the boy’s orbs, and now the man was inside the boy with his finger. Jordy felt his sphincter muscle clutch and then relax and his legs were feeling rubbery. He moaned and he could hear both men taking in air.

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