Be warned. The story contains rape, self-loathing and suicidal thoughts. It's cruel and evil. Only the most perverse will like it. Summary: A girl hates her voluptuous body for the effect it has on people. She loses something important and goes on a very dark path.
A strange tale of a manipulating school girl; use of a boyfriend to gain acceptable grades; her downfall against his rise and the ultimate revenge he seeks.
A story in the Earth 42 Universe
What happens when you give your trust to a fellow professional who's not deserving of it? You could very well end up like Dominic, a broken slave, a prize to be shown off and shared with guests of any gender.
Pam is caught by an angry police officer who takes advantage of her in terrible ways. He forces himself on her and abuses her. Not for the feint of heart. Forewarned is Forearmed.
Raised in a strict religious home, Faith was a devoted Christian who safeguarded her chastity until the special evening of her marriage. Being beautiful, young, and full of curves, the teen drew attention wherever she went. In school, boys constantly harassed her to go out with them, but she knew they wanted to do evil things to her. The Church was Faith's refuge until it wasn't. She befriends a "loose" girl who unleashes a series of events that challenge Faith's beliefs and upbringing.