The Ride - Cover

The Ride

by wetfly6969

Copyright© 2009 by wetfly6969

Erotica Sex Story: A young, white autistic girl with an unusual fascination with buses boards a city bus where three black men befriend and convince her to leave the bus with them promising her a chance to have a train ride. They accidentally walk into a situation which none of them expected.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Rough   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   .

"Mrs. Cox, I'm sure you understand my position," Cynthia Gonzalez said placing the file on the coffee table. "There's nothing we can do to help your situation right now."

"There's got to be a way. We can't afford special care for Jenny right and I've already quit my job to stay home with her. That really made things tight for us."

"I understand, but you're still above the poverty line standards. Your husband is making too much money to qualify. Barely, but it's still over the limit."

Julia glanced to the window to watch her daughter staring outside slowly rocking back and forth. She's already been asked to leave three different schools for her disruptive behavior and they can't afford a private tutor. There is a local program designed for children with autism which would greatly help, but they can't afford the $500 per month tuition.

"What do you suggest we do?"

"Perhaps you can check around for support groups or look on-line for people with similar problems. There's a lot of information on the internet."

"I don't need information, I need help. My daughter needs help. Her autism is mild and my husband and I feel she could thrive with the right guidance and training."

"I'm sure that's the case, but there really isn't anything we can do. Not right now anyway. You can apply again next year and hopefully we'll be able to get you into the program."

"Every year we waste sets her back even further. She'll be twelve next month and next year may be too late."

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Cox, really I am," she said sliding the files to her brief case. "Why don't you contact me in, uh, say about nine months and I'll see what I can do."

Julia watched as the well dressed woman left, taking one last glance at Jenny looking out the window before closing the door. Putting her head into her hands, she sobbed. "What are we going to do?"

Jenny continued staring outside at the bus stop just below the window. She always loved watching as every few minutes the county bus would stop to let people off and others got on. For hours everyday she'd sit at the window waiting for the next bus to arrive. She heard the woman leave and heard the tears of her mother. Turning briefly, she noticed her crying but quickly returned to the activity outside. Another bus was approaching.

"Jenny, why don't you get up and play for a while. You've been sitting at that window for hours. It's not healthy to just sit there like that," she said drying her eyes. She had cried for thirty minutes and somehow felt a little better, but not much. Facing her mother with the usual stoic expression, she grunted some intangible sentence. "Why don't you go play dress up in my room while I make lunch for us, okay?"

Expressionlessly she pulled herself from the floor, heading toward the bedrooms. Julia shook her head wishing there was some way to get through to her. Her mind seems okay, but she's unable to socialize or vocalize what she's thinking. She gets frustrated and often has outbursts of frustration, leading to problems at school. Taking a deep breath, she went toward the kitchen to make soup and sandwiches.

Jenny sat at the vanity table looking at all the makeup her mother had. She loved playing dress up and putting on makeup, just like momma did. Imitating her mother, she applied several layers of rouge, eye shadow and lipstick. She smiled looking at how pretty she was with so much makeup on.

Going through her mother's drawers, she found her blue silk cami her mother sometimes wore on special occasions for her father and quickly undressed. She wanted to be just like her mother. Slipping on the shiny, silk garment, she looked at herself in the full length mirror. In her eyes, the over-sized sleepwear looked pretty, although she needed to hold the panties up and the neck line drooped low enough to expose her budding breasts. Pulling the shirt up to cover her chest, she turned to the side and for the first time in a while smiled.

"Honey, we're out of mayo, I need to run down to the store to get some. I'll be right back. Remember, don't answer the phone or open the door for anyone, okay? I won't be long."

Jenny heard her mother saying something but couldn't understand what it was. Leaving the room, she searched the apartment but couldn't find her anywhere. Scared and alone, she opened the outside door wondering if she went to check the mail or something and slowly ventured further. She wasn't down the hall and decided to look around the corner for her. Moving outside, she stood in the middle of the sidewalk as many people brushed by, each staring down at her making her more afraid. Backing away from the crowd, she heard a loud sound and a big rush of wind. Covering her ears, she turned and noticed the big bus stopped right in front of her with many people going inside and others leaving. Smiling, she was now able to see what everyone was doing in there. Slowly she went in, slipping past the line of people waiting to pay.

Tyrome was annoyed by his twin brother. Jerome kept slapping his leg, trying to get his attention while he was talking to Marcus. "What the fuck you want, Nigga?" he finally blurted out turning to him. He didn't respond, but Ty noticed his stare and followed where he was looking. The little white girl timidly approached, shyly looking at the floor while walking, not making eye contact with anyone. She had on enough makeup for two street whores and what in the hell was she wearing?

The girl's fists clutched the sides of the panties, pulling them tightly against her crotch while the baggy top drooped down, exposing her right nipple. His eyes focused on the swollen gland, hardly bigger than a Hershey's Kisses and a rosy-pink shade. Licking his lips, his eyes followed her as she passed, sitting in the only empty seat near the back of the bus.

"Cover me," he said standing, cutting off some guy about to pass.

"EX~CUSE ME!" the man rudely commented as Ty nearly knocked him over. Turning to face the white man, he gave his signature snarl making the smaller man back down. The men's interaction was causing a delay in the bus's leaving and the driver shouted for everyone to sit down.

Ty, Jerome and Marcus approached the young girl, quickly losing their seats. Ty sat next to her while the other two stood nearby blocking the view of most on the bus. "Hi, I'm Ty," he said extending his hand. Jenny cowered away, backing herself against the window. Her thumbs wrestled each other on her lap as her eyes focused on the seat in front of them.

"Okay, I guess you're shy, huh?" he added pulling his hand away. The top of her shirt sagged more, revealing both of her sprouting nipples and the leg opening on her panties bunched together, exposing her hairless crack. Again he licked his lips, turning to wink at the other two.

"You live 'round here?" he asked watching as she began rocking back and forth. Waiting for a few minutes, he knew something wasn't quite right with her, but she had a pussy, an ass and tits, although tiny, but what more could you ask for?

"These are my homies, Marcus and Jerome," he said hearing the guys mumbling something to greet her. "You ever been to South Central before?" he asked the quiet girl. "That's where we're headin', you know that, right?" He's picked up many young whores on the bus before, but this one was different. Putting his hand on her bare legs, she jumped, bumping against the window. Jerome and Marcus chuckled.

"Come on, Baby, don't be that way. Show Ty some lovin'." Not once did she look up at him, keeping her eyes focused downward. "This your first time ona bus or somethin'?"

"Maybe she shoulda taken the train," Jerome snickered, "Or do one," he added getting jabbed by Marcus.

"Shut up, fool!" he growled afraid he'd scare the girl away.

"No, that's a great idea. How would you like to ride a train?" Ty asked smiling at her. "I could set it up for you, what do you say?" For the first time she lifted her head, turning her eyes as high as his chest before dropping them back down to the floor. Nothing.

"What's your name, Baby?" he asked backing away as she began hitting the sides of her head with her knuckles. Glancing up to his companions, he made a face, causing them to laugh. They remained silent for two more stops until she finally stopped hitting herself. Reaching out, he held her hands as she struggled to pull it free.

"Relax, I ain't gunna hurt you. I just don't want you to hit yourself no more, okay?" She stopped fighting and remained staring downward as he pulled her hand from her lap. "Our stop is coming up pretty soon. How 'bout you and us get off and we'll take you someplace for a nice train ride. That sounds fun, don't it?" he asked looking up to wink at his brother.

"Yea, a really long train ride," Jerome chortled, receiving another jab from Marcus.

"Would you like that?" Ty asked pulling her long brown hair away from her face, lifting her chin to look into her brown eyes. She fought his efforts, keeping her eyes trained to the seat in front of them, not wanting to make eye contact with him. "Would you like to uh, do a train with us? You'd like that, wouldn't you?" She still refused to look directly at him but he didn't notice as his eyes were focused on her tiny buds peeking out from the neck line of her shirt.

"You're gunna come with us, okay?" he stated rhetorically. "Jerome, gimme your jacket.

"My jacket? What the fuck for?"

"So our little honey here can wear it."

"It's my favorite jacket!"

"I know, just give it to me."

"Fool, give it to him," Marcus interjected. "We can't walk outta here with her dressed like that, she needs to cover up."

Jerome's expression changed as he unzipped the hooded jacket, handing it to his brother.

"Here, Baby, put this on, okay?" he said trying to get her to lean forward. The next stop was the one they needed and he had to hurry. Struggling, his hand brushed her naked nipple, causing her to jump again. He smiled. She'll be doing that a lot in a little while.

As the bus came to a stop, Ty got up, pulling on the sleeve, urging her to stand. She resisted at first, but not knowing what else to do soon slid to the isle and joined him. The over-sized jacket swallowed her, hanging almost to her knees as he tossed the hood over her head, covering her face.

Jerome walked ahead of the, followed by Marcus, Jenny and then Ty. Unable to reach the panties, they quickly slid down her slender legs before dropping to the floor. Ty didn't notice as he stepped on them, nudging the girl along. The man who had the altercation with Ty earlier noticed the sexy discarded panties and reached for them, smiling at the man sitting across from him saw.

"Where we gunna do this at?" Jerome asked as the bus pulled away. He's benefited many times from his brother's ability to get girls and was looking for this one in particular. Not only was she white, which he liked, she was very young, probably the youngest girl yet and seemed as dumb as a post.

"We'll take her to Lenny's," he said putting his arm around the girl's shoulders. Her head was below his arm pit by several inches as he hugged her to his side. He didn't want her trying to run away but didn't want anyone watching to think she was going with them against her will.

"Lenny's? Why don't we just take her home. Mom won't be home from work for a few hours and we'll have some fun with her 'til then."

"Man, you know we can't do that! What's wrong with you? If moms came home and caught us with a young white girl in her house, she'd skin us alive!"

"Remember that 16-year-old slut we gang-banged at your house a few months ago?" Marcus asked with a smile.

"Yea," Ty replied. "Had a great time with her 'til moms came home and caught us. I ain't seen her that mad for a long time. We tried telling 'er the bitch wanted it and came with us on her own, but she still beat us with her shoe and made us take her home."

"Yea, I remember that. I had a knot on my head for a week after that."

"If she got that mad then, what you think she'll do if she saw this one? Lenny's the best choice, he only got one roommate and he's cool with everything."

Turning the corner, they slipped unseen through the unlocked gate leading to the three-story dilapidated complex, making their way up the metal stairs to the top floor. Knocking on Lenny's door, they waited over a minute before some guy they didn't know answered it.

"Yea?" he said opening the door only a few inches and staring at them past the chain.

"Lenny here?"

"Who wants to know?"

"Tell him Ty, he knows me." The door was shut and a couple of minutes later, was reopened until the chain pulled tightly against the frame as his tall, skinny black friend greeted them through the crack.

"Wassup, man?" he asked extending his fist through the small opening in a friendly gesture. Ty touched his knuckles with his own, giving him a toothy smile.

"Ain't nutting at all, man." he said stepping closer. "Is it cool if we crash here for a while? We got a little somethin'- somethin' goin' down and need a place to make it happen. You in?"

"What's goin' on?"

"Can we come in? I'll tell you all 'bout it." Looking back over his shoulder, he turned back to them.

"It ain't really a good time right now. Got somethin of my own goin down, if you know what I mean."

"I think you gunna wanna hook up wid what we got," he said grinning, looking down next to him. For the first time Lenny saw someone wearing an over-sized jacket standing hidden next to his friend. Checking over his shoulder once again, he whispered.

"It ain't a good time right now."

"We can come back later, maybe like half an hour or somthin'."

"Naw, that ain't gunna work neither. I can't explain right now, it's just not good now."

"You'll wanna piece of this," he said jerking the hood from the heavily made up young girl staring downward. His eyes widened as he swallowed hard.

"Who is she?"

"Just a little slut we came across on the bus wanting to pull a train. You in or not? We can head over to Jimmy's house, I'm sure he wanna get some of dis," he added unzipping the front of the jacket. Lenny's eyes followed his hand movement as the silky top came into view, as well as her puffy nipples.

"HOL~Y SHIT!" he exclaimed a little too loudly and turned to look over his shoulder again.

"We're bangin' her, you in or not?" he asked throwing the hood back over her in case someone saw her.

Gulping at the saliva which had been pooling in his mouth, he unchained the door, swinging it wide. Ty pushed the girl forward and quickly followed. He stopped just inside the doorway and stared at all the commotion going on.

Jenny was confused listening to the men speaking about her through the doorway and began to panic as they entered the apartment. Like a lamb led to slaughter, she was maneuvered further inside. She felt Ty bump into her back as she stopped.

"What's going on?" Ty asked looking around at everyone staring back at him. The kitchen table had three naked men sitting with paper face masks mixing and dividing a large pile of white powder, which could have only been cocaine with two men standing next to the table watching them.

The man who first answered the door was sitting in Lenny's favorite chair in front of the muted TV and two other men wearing dark sunglasses were holding pistols, sitting on the couch.

"Everything's cool," Lenny called out to the group stoically staring at the new comers. "Don't worry 'bout nothin', we're gunna go to my room for a while," he said closing and triple locking the door.

"Who the fuck are you?" the man in Lenny's chair asked with a snarl.

"We're friends of Lenny's," Ty said. "We didn't know this was going on, we can leave if you want."

"Ain't no body goin' no place. You seen what here." Ty, Jerrome and Marcus looked at each other.

"Everything's cool, with us, really," Ty replied questioning his decision to come here in the first place.

"You're Tyrome Jackson, right?" one of the armed men sitting on the couch asked, looking over the top of his shades.

"Yea, that's me," he quickly responded thankful that someone recognized him. A major drug operation like this wouldn't hesitate taking someone out to keep them quiet.

"Moby been lookin' fo' your ass. You owe him some Benjamins and I'm sure he gunna like that I found you," he said smiling.

MOBY? Shit! This coke belongs to the biggest drug dealer in the area and he just walked right into it. "Yea, I, uh, am gunna pay him, I, huh, just had some problems findin' the money right now, but I'm gunna get it to him. All of it."

"I know you will, and I'm gunna make sho that happens," he said standing. Moby made it a point to surround himself with the biggest, meanest, most bad-assed motherfuckers he could find and there was no doubt this guy would kill him just as soon as look at him.

"Wait a minute," Ty said taking a step backward and running into Marcus. "I got something I know Moby will like. We could take it out in trade and maybe forget about what I owe him and maybe pay me a little somethin-somethin."

The towering thug approached them, tucking his Glock into his waistband. Being 6 foot 2, Ty generally was taller than most people around him, but this muscle for Moby dwarfed even him. The guy had to be at least a half a foot taller and out weighed him by over 100 pounds.

"You ain't got nuttin' Moby want 'cept his money," he said moving within a few feet.

"He'll want this," he said pulling the hood from the girl. She stood motionless, staring downward as the much larger man stood in front of her staring.

"Who's this?" he asked knowing Moby's propensity toward really young white girls.

"My new ho, we came here to break 'er in before I started pimpin' 'er out. But Moby can do that, I mean if he'll forget about what I owe him. And of course, hook me up with something too."

"I don't know 'bout that." You owe him a G. Not easy to forget that."

"Hell, he'll make that up in a few days with this ho. And you know he likes 'em young," Ty added with a smile.

The hulking man reached down, spreading the front of the jacket to better see the girl. Her budding nipples were still peeking over the rim of the cami. As he reached lower to further unzip it, he noticed she was naked below the waist.

"You fucked 'er already?" he asked staring at the union between her legs for signs of use.

"Naw, man, she's fresh. We was 'bout to do that now. I didn't know you was here."

"What's yo name?" he bellowed out to the frightened girl. She cringed, backing away from the scary man and pushing against Ty.

"I axed you a question, bitch!" he growled, raising his voice.

"She don't talk," Ty said noticing she was squirming against him.

"I'll make 'er talk," he said grabbing an exposed nipple and squeezing. She squeaked, but didn't speak. He pull the bud, stretching it an inch from her body, but still she didn't speak. Twisting it make her cry out, and began slapping on his meaty hand.

Grabbing her hair, he jerked her head backward, pointing her face to the ceiling. "Cunt, don't you ever hit me again, understand?" he screamed just inches from her face. Her eyes darted wildly about, not wanting to look directly at him but not having a choice as he face drew closer.

"See, I told ja she didn't talk."

"We'll see 'bout that," he said lifting her off of her feet, and carrying her under his arm like a pig toward the back of the apartment, her bare ass pointing forward. The men she came with all looked at each other knowing there was nothing they could do to stop him.

"Hold up," the man in Lenny's chair called out rising. "What you think you're doin'?"

"Takin' this little ho into the back for some fun."

"It don't work that way, JJ, you know that," he said approaching him. Ty felt a little relief that this guy was stopping the giant palooka from ripping her tight little hole open. Someone that size has to be well hung and he'd open her up too much for him to enjoy. If she survived.

"Com' mon Dre, I never get to go first. Just once let me do 'er first."

"We got channels to follow," he said reaching for the girl. "You can go next."

Their eyes followed the pair as the man obviously in charge, carried her over his shoulder to one of the bedrooms. The big ox wasn't happy about losing his chance to bust her open, but Ty knew in this case, it was probably a good thing, for her anyway.

There was silence followed by sounds of struggles and yelling from Dre. A few slaps and grunts could be heard before it became oddly quiet once again.

Ty was wrong. She did speak. Well, sort of. The sounds she made could only be described as the combination of a distressed dolphin and an injured Chewbacca. He was angry that he wasn't the first to fuck her. After all, he DID find her so he should have been her first. Even though Dre wasn't as big as JJ, once that big-ass bull fucks her she won't be worth fucking.

"Lenny, what the fuck's goin' on?" he asked turning to his friend. "You should of told me this shit was goin' on!"

"I tried to but you wouldn't listen." Another loud shriek echoed down the hallway.

"Why they here?"

"One of Moby's houses got raided last week. He needed another place to cut his shit and stash it and like you, I owed him some money so this is how I'm paying him. Three or four guys work in six hour shifts all day long. They been here five days already nonstop."

"Why the brothers naked?" Jerome asked.

"Keeps 'em from trying to steal it. If they don't got a place to hide it, they can't take it." A low, long murmur came from the opened bedroom door.

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