When 14-year-old Devante is wandering around Manhattan, he accidentally stumbles upon Beverly Moore; a blond six-foot-tall self-defense instructor who bills herself as the Karate Queen. Immediately, he knows he has to break her. What follows is his story as he puts into action a devilish plan during which, not only will he defeat Beverly in single combat, but he'll make it clear to her that she is well and truly conquered by making her shatter the ultimate taboo with her own 14-year-old son.
This is the story of how a woman lost all of her virginity in a single day and all before she turned 14. I wrote this for her after she related it to me and she was impressed with my flair for detail.
The Elusive Jenna wants a replay. This is the continuation of the earlier Elusive Jenna story. The difference this time is that Jenna Shoes has added her point of view to the story.