It can get isolating as well as tense on a remote U.S. Marine camp deep in Syria. This is the case at Tiger Base, where the commander, Captain May, and two other Marines have a fetish for fourteen-year-old boys. Boys line up at the camp fence looking for favors. The three Marines let fourteen-year-old shoe shiner Labhan inside the fence to provide services. He does more than that for them.
A young woman tries her hand at ring catfighting at an underground club. It's an ominous sign when her confident opponent climbs into the wring and clips a clothesline across her corner, with the panties of all her recent victories clipped to it!
What happens to the new and inexperienced cutie when faced with this hot tough girl who is bent on getting another pair of panties for her clothesline?
What girl doesn't wish for a prince charming to come and sweep her off of her feet. One should watch what they wish for. A story of a marriage quite different then from one on earth.