Summer 1986 - Cover

Summer 1986

by ejd1711

Copyright© 2023 by ejd1711

True Sex Story: I didn't know my girlfriend was a nympho...

Caution: This True Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Drunk/Drugged   Reluctant   Heterosexual   True Story   Cheating   Cuckold   Rough   Group Sex   Voyeurism   .


Lenora and I had been dating for over two years. It was a long-distance relationship, but it worked for both of us because of our careers. We were young; I was 27, and she was 24. Lenora was a nurse, and I worked on Wall Street. At the time, she had highlighted light brown, almost blonde hair and was petite, five foot 2 inches tall and thin. She had 34 B cups with long nipples and a round ass that showed nicely because she was skinny.

We met down the shore in 1984, and after the summer, we saw each other on the weekends and holidays during the Fall through Winter months. In late Spring every year, my buddies and I would rent a house for the summer in a town not too far from where Lenora lived.

We never discussed our former love lives and what we did before each other. I was never serious with anyone and played around mostly. Lenora was the first serious relationship I had. I didn’t know about Lenora’s sex life before me, and she didn’t tell me, and I didn’t ask. But she was friendly with a lot of guys before we went out.

The summer was when we saw each other the most. The summer of 1986, after two years of dating, started well between us, well at least, I thought so. I didn’t notice that something may have been wrong with our relationship.

One weekend in early July, after a somewhat dull and usual Saturday night at the Surf Club, Lenora and I left the club early, and she went home. Lenora usually drove her car to my shore house, and we walked with the gang to the club. Our house was in Ortley Beach, where the Surf Club was, and we were within walking distance of the club.

We had a landline phone in the house (remember, this is 1986), and I would have her call me when she got home. I didn’t get a call that night, and I got worried and called her. She had a phone in her room, so it wasn’t a problem.

I called, and there was no answer. I got concerned, so after some thought, I got in my car and drove to her house to see if everything was okay. On the way over to her place, the song “Drive” by the Cars was playing on the radio. All I could think of was, where was she? Funny how you remember certain things.

Lenora lived at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac on a lagoon that emptied into the bay, and her car was usually parked in the circle at the far end. The street was quiet when I slowly approached her house, and I could see her car wasn’t there. So, where the fuck was she?

It was still early, almost 11 p.m., and the clubs were open, so I drove around the area. The song “Holding Back the Tears” by Simply Red was playing on the radio. I reference the songs because, to this day, when I hear them, I immediately remember that night.

Although it was a long shot, I thought I might spot her car somewhere. She had a new 1986 dark gray Camaro. She would drive most of the summer because she liked to, so I knew her car.

There were two areas where the clubs were down the shore at the time. Ortley Beach was where the Surf Club and we were earlier that night. And there was Seaside Heights, which had several clubs and bars and was a much more raucous area.

I was heading towards Seaside Heights and was passing the Toms River diner, which we went to on occasion when I thought I spotted her car in the parking lot.

The diner was right off the highway. I drove to the next traffic light and came back around to check. It was Lenora’s car. As I was pulling around and thinking about what to do next, I saw a group of people coming out of the diner, so I pulled out of the lot and parked on the street adjacent to the restaurant.

The roads behind the diner were dark, so I was okay. The group consisted of four girls: Lenora, her friends Toni and Georgette, another girl I didn’t recognize, and five guys I didn’t know.

I know what you’re thinking. What the fuck are you doing? Why are you there? But I felt betrayed. We were heading for a breakup, but I was still hurt.

I didn’t recognize the guys, but Lenora and her friends knew a lot of local guys from school and the clubs. Then they all got in their cars and started leaving. Two guys got in Lenora’s car with her and took off. I waited long enough so no one recognized my car and followed them. They were headed toward Seaside.

They ended up at a club called Temptations on the main strip. After seeing them park the car and enter, I parked a block away and started towards the club. I only considered going into Temptations because it was very dark inside. Unlike the Surf Club, a very bright place, I thought I could find a dimly lit spot and observe as long as they didn’t see me enter; if not, I would leave.

My friends and I spent money in these clubs, and because of that, the owners would give us membership cards or membership keys that would allow us to get in for free. I had a card for Temptations and used it to get in. I was happy I didn’t see the group by the door. I noticed them at a back bar close to the bathroom. Lenora wore a bright yellow summer dress with a dark green belt tied around the middle, just above her hips. Her dress came up about seven inches above her knee. She wore a matching yellow headband. She was easy to spot. I parked myself at one of the bars near the front door to make a quick exit if needed and ordered a drink.

I noticed they started doing Sambuca shots because I saw the bottle. Earlier in the evening, when we were at the Surf Club, Lenora had one drink and said she didn’t feel like drinking. Hmm. Lenora could hold her own with drinking, but Sambuca’s shots were different. She didn’t handle them well at all. After a couple, she was looped. The group drank, talked for about two hours until closing, and continued with Sambuca shots.

It was nearly 2 a.m., and the club was closing soon. I was getting bored and thought of leaving anyway. I noticed one guy, a tall guy, cozying up to Lenora. He wasn’t one of the guys from the diner, but Lenora knew a lot of local guys. She was very animated, which happens when she’s drunk. This guy towered over her, as she was petite.

He had his arm around her waist, and she wasn’t moving it. I lost track of time, and suddenly, the lights went on, and the music stopped. The club was closing. I made sure they didn’t see me and left as fast as possible.

When these clubs close, it’s usually chaos outside as crowds of drunk people mill about and group up. The police are always there to move everyone along and ensure no trouble. I was across the street watching to see when Lenora and the crew came out.

When they came out, they stopped briefly and said their good nights. Toni, the other girls, and two guys headed one way. Lenora, who was still animated and drunk, and one of the guys from the diner and the guy at the bar with her went opposite toward Lenora’s car.

I watched them walk toward where Lenora’s car was parked. You couldn’t miss Lenora in her yellow mini-dress. Lenora was drunk. I could tell as she stumbled along. Her arms were waving, the three of them were laughing, and the bigger guy was helping Lenora by holding her waist occasionally. They stopped by her car, and I assumed the guys were telling her not to drive by their gestures. Then the guy from the diner pointed down the street, and they all started that way.

Seaside is a shore town. At the time, families of tourists and young people flocked there during the summer months. The summer homes and bungalows are scattered throughout the area and rented by these groups.

Some streets have moderately spaced houses, with second houses in the back of the first, farther from the road. They were usually cheaper to rent. My friends and I rented one of these back houses one summer, so I knew that.

Lenora and her friends were headed to one of these back houses. I followed from a reasonable distance and would get as close as possible. One reason was curiosity, and the other was ensuring Lenora was safe. Even though I felt angry about this, I still felt a little responsible, although this was all on her.

I watched them enter the bungalow and turn on the lights. I waited, then managed to quietly walk to the side of the place and look in one of the open windows. Since the house didn’t have air conditioning, all the windows were open and screened.

I had to be silent because I wanted to hear what they said and because it was quiet, except for the crickets; I didn’t want them to hear me, either. I made sure no one was around outside who could see me. A few trees around the windows made a perfect spot for me to stand.

I saw two couches and a small table in the living room. It was right next to the kitchen. It was like one big room. I saw two other doors off this room and figured they were bedrooms. Overall, it was a small place.

As I approached the window, I heard Lenora ask where the bathroom was. One of the guys said it was down the hall. Lenora stumbled to it, and I heard a door close.

As soon as she was gone, the guy from the diner walked over to the taller guy and said, “Lenora is a freak, man. Or at least she used to be. We have to fuck her tonight. She’s primed, man. When we used to fuck her years ago, this is the shape she’d be in. She gets drunk, and she just fucks! We used to rent rooms in Seaside and Belmar as groups with her and her friends you met at the diner. After the clubs, we’d have gangbangs. She loves cock.” These guys were close to the window, so I heard all this clear as day. My heart was beating so fast I was afraid they would hear it!

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