I want to thank mostera1; he always makes my stories better. This is the sequel to, 'The Call.' I believe it is a standalone story but if you haven't read the original it may help you better understand some parts of this story. In the original story it took me 3 chapters to break up the Cooper family; it took me 7 to get them back together. Each chapter will be submitted daily. I want to thank you all in advance and remind you that comments are always more than welcome.
An Immortal Saga Story (1) Having outlived yet another wife, Jim is a lonely widower. When new neighbors arrive, he shunts aside his solitude to rejoin the world he protects, and has protected for several thousand years. He rediscovers old talents and skills, using them to bring pleasure to himself and others along the way.
Joe won the lottery. Joe is looking for love. Joe is surprised how love finds him. Well now some stories really do have happy endings. Even if things don't turn out just like they are planned.
Due to the waning sex in their marriages and busy lives, three ‘hot’ neighbors create some sexual challenges, with some requiring people other than their spouses. As the games go on, others besides the three couples join in, forming a Neighborhood Sex Club. Many adventures occur, especially for Melissa, the wildest of the group. This is Book 1. Posting here over the next five months. Then Book 2. NOTE: This is as fast as we're allowed to post. Available for purchase at Bookapy.
A short little tale of a man who finds love in an unexpected fashion. This IS NOT a stroke story. If that's what you're expecting--pass this one up. Its slow to start but he gets where he needs to be. It's a slice out of a person's life.
At the end of her rope, a desperate mother who has just been evicted from the low rent duplex where she lives with her fourteen-year-old daughter and is about to lose her job is offered what would normally be an unacceptable alternative. If she agrees to become his sex slave he will take her in and help her put her life back in order. He promises not to rape her daughter but admits he intends to seduce her. That being the only option open to her she accepts his offer. / (Reviews)