Do you remember the TV shows from the 60's, and 70's, like "Batman" or "The Green Hornet"? Or how about the cartoon show "Perils of Penelope Pureheart?" If you do, and remember them fondly, then it's time for you to finally meet the unsung, unheralded, uncovered heroine of yesteryear, Angelica Ahsmacker
Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica Tags: Ma/Fa, Heterosexual, Fan Fiction, Humor, Light Bond Downloads: 1360 | Votes:* | Score:* Size: 21KB | 3,736 words |
This is a halloween (ahem) horror story, the tongue-in-cheek kind. In it you'll find H.P. Lovecraft, a junior-miss version of "Elvira, Mistress of the Dark", and a couple of other silly surprises. Keep your wits about you at all times, and watch out for flying toys. PS: Don't wait for the other shoe to drop.
Halloween horror story about a vampire and a witch out hunting for "fresh meat". They find what they are looking for in Wally and his girlfriend Jennifer.
Not for the squeamish.