Julia goes to Alaska to live alone for a year in her uncle's remote cabin in order to write a book. It's located nearly fifteen miles from the nearest road with the closest neighbor three miles away. She thinks she's prepared for life alone in the wilderness; then she meets someone who truly understands what it means to be isolated.
This story is my take on what the words for the Rolling Stones great song might mean. Sad and dark at the beginning but bright and sunny at the end. Follow Jim as he deals with his loss and gives up on love. / (Reviews)
It's the anniversary of his marriage and he's mourning the loss of his beloved. Falling into a fitful sleep, she comes to visit him and they still manage to have a wonderful anniversary!
Now, who the heck would be giving me an old clipping about someone I don't know? Not to mention a photo. I unfolded the letter, expecting an explanation. I got more questions, instead. The date at the top of the page was Nineteen Sixteen!
Charlie fell in love with a much, much older woman. She fell in love with him, too, but then a bit at a time, so did her entire family. Well, almost her entire family. Her son never really cared for Charlie. (Codes to be added as appropriate.)
Set in the future, Eric and Maylene are two space navy sailors whose paths cross after combat injuries. Their shared experiences bring them together, but the Navy has other ideas. / (Reviews)
Jim Ryan straightens out his home life and journeys to find his wife's lost family. He finds he is slated for the chore of returning a priest's remains to its final resting place. Who is manipulating him and are there any rewards? A romance of a different sort. / (Reviews)
The Morning After for young Christy began with dry heaves, a splitting headache and the inside of a mouth that tasted like a kitty litter box. Then it got a lot worse as she found out not only what she had offered to do the previous night, but had actually begged for - and also realized the only thing she was wearing was a t-shirt that didn't belong to her. Did she? Did he? Did they? / (Reviews)