Empire Of Man
PLEAs (Personal Life Extending Androids) were made possible after the development of flash memory transfers. The original sex androids had been developed long ago, and sold quite well to the world's wealthy. This story is about twins that receive their own PLEA units for their 18 birthday.
Continuing adventures of the Star-ship "MOM" in the collision of two galaxies.
A sequel to Ambition, and a tailon tale to reanimate characters from Repurposed..
A story in the Catalum Universe
The town found a cache of baby dragons seemingly abandoned in their temple. The adults are nowhere to be found. A short in sequence after 'The Dragon and Its Child'.
A Tripp's Club Story (3) This story was started in 2010 and continues to refine 'the Club' world. It's a rather long story but I wanted bring out the details as if the Club really existed. It follows one man's mission to become a guest at the Club and his journey of sexual pleasure with many, many girls. The sex doesn't start for a couple chapters, but when it does it continues non-stop!