This isn't a typical "George Foxx" story. It's nasty. There are hyper-sexual young teen girls, prostitution, forced beastality, revenge, incest, polyamory of both Mff and MMf types, murder, and instant execution of the murderer. If you like my sweet little romantic stories, you might want to skip this one. The only sweet thing is the marriages of old geezers to teen brides.
A Halloween 2023 Contest Entry
Death, they say, acquits us of all obligations, but when a death-oath is given, it's to be taken seriously. There's only so much you can do to spit in the eyes of Karma before it comes to collect it's due. Life is a 'wandering to find home'… but for some people, after death the obligations can become even heavier still.
A Character Sketches of Sketchy Characters Story “Bronah? Oh, you’ll have no problem catching up with Bronah. He don’t run from a thing. He walks toward it with purpose and conviction. Question is, you sure you want to? You know how real smart folk tell you that some stuff you have when you get whelped and other stuff gets taught you? When it comes to killin’, he got it from both sides. You seen his arm?” - Ardavrin Gendelam, Town Guard, Pelnagarmo
A Story in the Life in the Suburbs Universe
A man is talked into loaning his ex-wife some money. When she can't pay on time, he takes it out of her hide as the star for his own home porno flick and humiliating her. He's surprised when the rest of her family want in on the deal, but they have many more surprises for him as well. Set in Australia. This is the original version. It has some typos and sex scenes with characters between 16 and 18 years of age. Due to changes in Australian laws I can no longer access the story.
My head nurse shares her maritial problems and other sexual things with me after she finds out about a prohibited encounter I had with a patient, one which has me masturbating daily to the memory.
A 1956 royal visit to Kenya gives British colonists a chance to party in Nairobi and a 14-year-old colonist son a chance to get it on with an overseer, but it also gives Mau Mau rebels an opportunity to attack.