Retribution was necessary, sure, and certain. But, who had visited retribution on whom? And could two marriages in disarray because of infidelity survive the outcome?
Ariel ("A") hated her name, and she didn't fit in at high school. Parentless, her grandmother, Lucy, raised her. A convinced Lucy to date Claudia, but disaster struck when Claudia's ex spirited her daughter to TX, leaving only Ben, her son. A and Lucy supported Claudia & Ben, found them a lawyer, and become their lovers. A intervened in an attempted rape, thwarted by the store clerk, a retired marine. After their junior prom, Ben was kidnapped, with A to the rescue.
I ran out on my wife after twenty years together. The guilt I felt was awful. I knew that I could never go back and I didn't want to. until She tracked me down and coerced me into returning.
Carnivals were a great form of entertainment in the nineteenth century, this one had a little extra on the side for those adults who wanted more personal types of entertainment. Sexual types of entertainment, without limits. The reader should pay attention to the codes, don’t read if you are squeamish!