A simple but lovely flower girl is taken off the East London 1860's street and pressed into Madam Livinia's service. Madam must train her well before she causes trouble.
The 34 year old married Ash lost a bet that squirting wasn't real so she had to pay up and fly to California to become a sex slave to a lesbian couple. The couple decides to double or nothing which leads them to pimp her out to lesbian fetish groups and transform her into a boi for the ultimate payday.
Based on an actual episode of the popular TV action show STARGATE. Members of SG1 are infected by a Ga'Ould killing device and slowly lose control over themselves. Read as you see what strange reaction these devices have over the trapped members.
After a plane crash strands them on a small island, the group struggles to survive. Soon, their sexuality shines through, and all the women want to get pregnant. A lone guy, a nice guy, is charged with mating with them all. A traitor among them is discovered, and some sexual vigilante justice ensues, much to the lone dog's delight. Non-stop adventure! This is Book 1 of 2.
Our main female character desperately needs to pee at a rest stop bathroom. But a strange woman she meets there seems to not want her to go. Will our heroin pee anyway, or will she painfully obey the weird woman?
Dad was a big wimp and Mom ran rough-shod over him. Finally Brad had enough and decided to teach his Mom a lesson in being subservient to a man, and his Dad how to be that man.