A sort of stream of consciousness from a serial rapist/killer/arsonist (in that order). No real ending, no feel good results. This story has a very, very narrow appeal. / (Reviews)
Best friend of husband has an initial non-consensual encounter with husband's wife that quickly turns consensual. Future visits are welcomed by wife, but no one knows why the friend is visiting until he eventually calls to explain.
We thought of starting a nudist sex club where we can invite foreign visitors to get a taste of the American experience. My mother, my sister and I are more than willing to take care of their needs.
Using his computer, a father satisfies his lustful cravings for his grown daughter by creating pornographic images of her. But when she comes to visit him, he loses control.
Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Fan Fiction Tags: Teenagers, Rape, Mind Control, Fan Fiction, First, Sex Toys Downloads: 2502 | Votes:* | Score:* Size: 13KB | 2,549 words |