Three desperate criminals are entangled in a web of betrayal and ambition in a world where greed knows no bounds. Hired to carry out an audacious kidnapping, they target Andrew and Morgana, the affluent couple known for their financial empire. The mission? To break their spirits and pave the way for a man they wronged to snatch control of their company. The means of breaking the couple, rape, torture, and humiliation. But one of the three men has a tenuous grasp of sanity. He’s younger than th
Based on the series 'The Walking Dead', the story follows the remaining family members making their way from Alabama to a safe haven in Georgia. Continuously searching for basic necessities and safety from the shuffling hordes of "biters", Michael, along with his younger brother David, brother-in-law Mitch, nephew Dylan and daughter, Addison, struggle to maintain their humanity in the midst of a chaotic world full of murderous zombies and lascivious human survivors.
Teenage Girls take exception to a boy with foot fetish staring at their feet, lure him into an open paddock then viciously assault, rob and rape him. This story contains acts of non-consensual sex and violence, if this is likely to offend you don't bother reading it