Mother and daughter sign up for an experimental diet, to prevent the son from fattening them up, while taking advantage of his fetish and oversized endowment.
She thought she could spot anyone wishing her harm, that she could easily identify him by appearance and mannerism. It's more comforting to presume evil people are obviously different and that you can identify them as soon as you meet. You don't assume a normal-looking, charming, and handsome individual could want to harm you. Sandy never dreamed a new client could be a wolf in sheep's clothing.
A "purported" size queen who likes to brag and shock others about her fantasies gets introduced to someone both large and wanting to teach her a lesson.
A young woman tries her hand at ring catfighting at an underground club. It's an ominous sign when her confident opponent climbs into the wring and clips a clothesline across her corner, with the panties of all her recent victories clipped to it!
What happens to the new and inexperienced cutie when faced with this hot tough girl who is bent on getting another pair of panties for her clothesline?