No good turn goes unpunished. There's nothing so constant in life as change. Shortly after finishing his Australian university exams Smoky Grey learns these two sayings are true. His life and plans are totally changed by an encounter in the university car-park. For the next few years his life is one change after another. Some of them being ones he initiates. He's a catalyst for changes to improve the lives of many people.
This for those who want it all--cheating, revenge, winning the lottery, murder, divorce, romance, cool dogs, hot chicks, yada yada. I caught a lot of hell over on "Lit" for it either being too much of this or not enough of that. I wont even include the original 5th chapter (I'm still stinging from the stoning I got for it!). Instead I will finish it with my revised final(?) chapter. Hope you all like it. BTW this is NOTHING like my prior stories. It is vanilla compared to "Cheater" and "John".
continuation of "If I Had A Boat" It was six o'clock in the morning, seventy five degrees, not much wind a blowing, just a gentle breeze. Then the damned hurricane came in.
She loved him, but she loved her social status more, betraying him so badly that he ended up homeless and penniless. Now she wants to betray him further by giving him cash to sell his children to her new husband. But all is not as it seems.
Prince Albert (his mother had a sense of humor) was born in Texas at the time of the War and the Comanche wars. His grandfather taught him to play poker so well that he was a rich man by the time he was an adult. He played poker on ships crossing the Atlantic Ocean and wiped out a gang of pirates in the Mediterranean Sea. That led to being hired to protect shipping from pirates off the coast of China. He was so successful that he wound up owning 10% of a shipping company. 20 chapters.
At the end of her rope, a desperate mother who has just been evicted from the low rent duplex where she lives with her fourteen-year-old daughter and is about to lose her job is offered what would normally be an unacceptable alternative. If she agrees to become his sex slave he will take her in and help her put her life back in order. He promises not to rape her daughter but admits he intends to seduce her. That being the only option open to her she accepts his offer. / (Reviews)
What if you are to inherit a business empire on the death of its surviving elderly founder and learn its startup capital was from Nazi war loot? Then you learn the empire's founders obtained that loot by stealing it from the Nazi Party and they kept a portion of what they stole for themselves to atone for the Nazi Party stealing their families' businesses and executing their families. That is Paul Adler's dilemma.
Beautiful Tracy, infant Alicia's new mother, is rescued from a blizzard by lawyer Reina. They become a new family of 3, then 4, then 5, led by a passionate FFM triad. Alicia's BFF, also 10, is adopted after her abusive parents lose custody. After a senseless violent confrontation, both sisters miss their Senior Prom. But instead, each girl has a romantic vacation trip with their beaus. (Offstage mention of child abuse, but no under age 18 sex.)
Zeke Clay receives a mysterious letter when he is down on his luck. He has lost everything but stands to inherit a fortune. If he agrees to a few simple tasks: Solve some clues, break a family curse, and restore true love. What does he know about any of that? Why are their ghosts running around telling him what to do? And why is his three-year-old tattoo suddenly bleeding?