A scientific colony on the moon is forced to watch as aliens kill every living thing on Earth. This is the story of the revenge taken by the humans and their allies. This is a pure space opera with lots of aliens and battles in space. I hope you like it. No overt sex, though they sometimes talk about it.
The Yellowstone caldera enthusiastically blows up, taking several states with it. An out-of-luck ex-navy man in Amarillo steps forward to help rebuild a devestated city and finds a new life in the process.
A Devastation Diary Story (5) Dave Jenkins reaches his limit with his wife and consigns her to the Training Centre. He then decides to seek companionship in the Slave Pen - but there's nothing so permanent as a temporary expedient.
A Devastation Diary Story (1) A series of vicious wars - the 'Wars of Devastation' - have left populations decimated, with far fewer men than women. Atrocities during those wars have resulted in the overturning of many human rights; women are devalued and slavery enshrined in law. One junior officer returns to a society he barely recognises... / (Reviews)
A nanny contemplates life and death aboard an interstellar transport vessel after escaping a traumatic experience. This story takes place in the same universe as 'Star Seeds - Sophia'.
We all saw it happen in person, on TV, or both. What we didn’t know was what the viewing would do to us. Then, we had no expectation of what it and those exposed would do to the rest of us. It wasn’t pretty, except pretty grim. This story has been on my hard drive for a long time and it’s derived from an old English sci-fi movie that I had seen years ago. It may have been “Day of the Triffids” though my direction is very different. I’m trying to crank it back up. We’ll see. RG
Warning: some of the characters are racist. Avoid if that offends you.
London, 2027. A deadly pandemic has wiped out most of the population, leaving chaos in its wake. As law and order collapse, survivors form factions, each fighting for control. Dale, a former banker, fortifies the Tower of London, building a ruthless community to withstand the growing threats.