At age 32, Linda's only sexual experience had been pleasuring herself in front of a computer screen. But then she is sent to a physician for an insurance policy examination. Any doubt about what happened?
Proper Women (AoK-ASS) is a collection of perverted short stories written and edited by Mike McGifford and myself. He's a genius who can breathe life into a vignette and transport you somewhere in a single chapter. His writing is so good, that I collected the very best ones to share with you. A few of my own thrown in.
Mike gave me permission to curate and publish the best ones. Each chapter will be self-contained and not related to the next unless noted.
A Wrist Deep in the Cunt Hole Story Going down on my boyfriend at the cinema, we get interrupted by the ice cream lady and share her until she's ready to serve as a public slut.
This is a continuation of my transformation into a male cum slut and describes my first visit to an adult theater. I have included all the tags that are involved somewhere in the story.
Kevin, a young Caucasian married man goes to jail and is raped and forced to whore for his black prison pimp. A guard tells Kevin's wife what he has become behind bars, causing her to divorce him, and begin a relationship with the black guard. Following his release Kevin continues to live as a female and he frequents adult arcades to whore for a living.