A Tale of Misspent Youth (2) They'd been pen pals for years, and he had hoped there would be high passion when they finally met in person. But -- she was so young-looking, and so skinny!
A Sandy & Tim Story (4) Is Sandy fooling her mother, or is her mother actually encouraging Sandy's sexual growth? Does Sandy really want Tim to go out with her best friend, or is she testing him? Is this really a good time to be teasing Sandy? Just who's being honest here? As the world turns through the days of our lives, Tim just hopes he doesn't end up in General Hospital. Part 4 of the Sandy and Tim series. The segment should stand alone, but don't you usually read a story from the beginning?
Family reunions in the Bracklin clan seem to generate a lot of babies. It could be because the adults are talking too much and the kids are allowed to sleep wherever they want. Two sets of cousins keep the family tradition going.
'Coming of Age' in 1960s NZ. My father's younger brother advised and mentored me through adolescence and young manhood. This is the story of my emotional exploration and sexual adventures with my second date and first girlfriend. With Frank's help and a measure of dumb luck I managed the transition between fumbling ignorance and juicy connection, and learned lessons that I still find valuable nearly sixty years later.
A story in the Tech and State Universe
Richard, a Tech sophomore, has the hots for co-ed Crystal but she is cold to him. Independently each decides to join the Theatre Guild in order to earn a humanities elective on their transcripts. When they both are assigned leading parts in the Guild's fall play she begins to warm to him a bit. He learns she is phobic and mistrustful of men. He confides in her a dark secret and when she learns the two have more in common than she imagined she starts to emerge from her shell.