The Will - Cover

The Will

by Harry Bolo

Copyright© 2022 by Harry Bolo

Drama Story: How Carol and Barry became lovers from their competitive natures and producing the heir to the fortunes.

Caution: This Drama Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Rags To Riches   School   Sharing   Oral Sex   Petting   Safe Sex   .

It was Monday morning four weeks before the year 10 exams when Carol got the news about her Grandmother. She was very close to her Grandmother sharing the same traits including the same red hair colour, thin build and temperament. She passed away without any warning, it was a heart attack. 5 years after her husband died. Now Carol had no one other than her parents.

I’m Barry, jet black hair, 165cm, super fit. I’m walking into the school and hearing the news, some people were tormenting her. Carol and I were not exactly the best of friends, being competitive people in the classroom for school excellent awards. I walked up to her, much to the surprise of everyone else, I put my arms around her. Kissed her forehead and said “Sorry to hear the news about your grandmother, I lost mine a few years ago. If there is anything I can do for you, I mean anything. You let me know.”

That was it. Carol broke down in tears and hugged me, in the middle of the school playground, in front of everyone. She held me tightly and cried. Both of our school friends directed teachers away from us until Carol finished crying. All of the teachers knew to keep the two of us distant from each other. To see us hugging in the middle of the playground was the last thing they expected. As the tears dried up I again kissed Carol’s forehead repeating the statement “If there is anything I can do for you, you let me know darling, OK, don’t forget. I won’t.”

She kissed me on my cheek and looked around at everyone watching them. “Thank you Barry. Of all of the people, you were the last I expected support over what has occurred. Thank you, I won’t forget either.” She kissed me on the lips and walked away to the ladies. Her makeup was a mess. That was the talk of the school that day, the two fire people, now a furnace perhaps? From that time Carol and I became school acquiesces. Not friends but no longer antagonistic to each other.

Roll on two years and four weeks before the final exams of the year. I made an invitation card and envelope. Driving to Carol’s house, well mansion, compared to my home. I knocked on the door. A beautiful lady opened the door. I asked if she could pass on the envelope to Carol just as she came down the stairs. “Carol, this gentleman has an envelope for you.”

I blushed. Carol answered “Hello Barry, come in.” as she opened the envelope.

With surprise she read the request. Tears formed in her eyes. She looked at me. Passing on the invitation to her mother. She read it. “Wow Carol. What a request. I never, ever got a request so deeply describing you. How are you going to answer it?”

I was standing, shaking in my boots, well joggers, awaiting an answer, when her father walked in. “Oh Daddy, look at my first request to the formal. It is so beautiful.”
He read the request. “Tom’s, your father, works for me, a foreman if I am right?”
I replied “Yes sir.”
Michael looked at Carol “Well Carol put this young man out of his misery, answer him. This is a well thought out request.”

Carol stated “Dad can you remember two years ago, when Grandmother died and I was very sad. I said one of the boys at school did something that really surprised me. I cried on his shoulder, in the playground for over 10 minutes. Barry was that school friend. He made a promise to me and I have not forgotten it. So Barry. Yes I accept.”

My face lit up in joy. Carol stepped over and hugged me this time. In front of her parents she kissed me on my lips. Looking at me she asked “I have one request Barry, we tell no one.” You and I turn down every request. What a surprise we would make when WE enter together arm in arm to the formal ball. Won’t the tongues be going. Will you agree on this please?”

I kissed her on the lips “Yes I agree. Thank you for accepting Carol.”
Michael asked “And what will you be wearing son?”
I replied “I have not thought about it sir.”
Michael replied “Make it a nice looking black Dinner Suit to complement my daughter’s expensive gown knowing my wife.”
I replied “Yes sir. I will.”
Carol took my arm. “I shall walk you to your car Barry.”

As we left the house Carol said “Wow dad accepted you to date me. Usually I have a stand up argument with him over my boyfriends and go behind his back. But for the next 7 weeks it’s, study, study, study.”
I put his arm around her “Same with me 7 weeks of study, however here is my mobile number if you want to ring or chat to check on some study point. We do share 85% of the same classes. I should warn you I have not had many girlfriends, so I am not experienced in, um, dating, if you understand what I am saying.”
Carol laughed “With a dad like mine, I am sort of the same. He will not allow me to have a car, does not trust me, if I had one as I would be out all of the time. Well maybe after the formal we can go out somewhere together just you and I.”
I smiled, “That would be nice, Until next week in school and mum’s the word.” We kissed and I drove home very carefully. Once home in my bedroom I jumped for joy kissing the picture I took of Carol when she was 16. The day I made the promise to her.

For he had fallen in love with her on that day. He did not tell his father of his success.

Monday morning. The Personnel Manager was summoned to Michael’s office with the files for all of the foreman working for him. He read each file and found Tom’s file the thinnest. He summoned the PM asking why? Reason given was his crew had no complaints, best production records, no staff turnover and a reluctance for staff to leave his area. That afternoon in his management meeting he raised the question of having a superintendent of foreman position. His role would be to supervise each foreman to ensure targets are met. Production targets are realistically set. Management targets are within time frames. Staff turnover monitored and he would report to me quarterly. His role would be like an audit of your roles within the company. Would anyone like to put any person forward for the role? Give me your suggestion by 11am in the morning. He discussed the rest of the company matters but his mind was not fully listening.

That night he entered his daughter’s bedroom, sitting on her bed, whilst she had her school books all over the bed and floor opened at different pages he asked “Why did I allow young Barry to date you and take you to your formal ball?”

Carol rolled over onto her back. Grabbing her father’s hand and bringing it to her face. She kissed it and replied “At the start of high school, in our first class we slugged it out answering correct, correct, correct, until we both got 100%. That happened the whole day, week, month and we were placed in the same class for all subjects except woodwork and dressmaking. For over three years we tried to outdo each other. Then one day he found out about grandmother and he hugged me in the school yard. Out of all of the 1,200 kids in school, I did not expect him to be that kind and supportive. Yet he was. From that time we still, not fight, but challenged each other for the first spot. He knows I have the choice of any boy in the year class for the formal. He jumped the gun with that beautiful invitation and the fact we are keeping it a secret. I am so looking forward to having him hold my hand walking into the formal ball. Friday, they are announcing the DUX of the school. Don’t be surprised if we are together for that. Daddy he is a gentleman, not a lout as you have correctly called a few of my other boyfriends.”
Michael asked “Was he ever bullied in school?”
Carol laughed “No, a Year 11 picked on him in Year 7. That Year 11 bully ended up with a twisted knee and broken foot. Barry does some form of martial arts, not sure which but his reactions are extremely fast. He once plucked a ball aimed at Jenny’s face, just out of the air. He returned it, with force, to the sender. And did not wait around.”

Michael replied “I am promoting his father to Superintendent of Foremen tomorrow. I am having some production problems in some areas. His area deals with them smoothly. I want his father to work out what is happening overall on the factory floor. This Barry sounds like a good young man to know.”
Carol asked “Dad I know I have exams coming up. Can Barry take me out for dinner on Saturday night to give our brains a chance to relax between study periods please?”
Michael replied “No, um no, um yes, too much reading does muddle the mind. 3-4 hours only. Not a late night, pick up around 6pm, home by 10pm. Only Saturday night.” He kissed his daughter good night and was happy he was making the right move with Tom in the factory. Carol teased Barry with a text message “Good news from Daddy re Sat. See ya in the morning.”

Next morning Carol spoke to her mum about Saturday night. She wanted to go somewhere nice but not expensive. She had no money worries but she knew Barry was not rich with money. She wanted somewhere away from the locals. Susan said leave it with her. At school she quickly spoke to me in amongst comments about a date Saturday night. I agreed.

Meanwhile Tom was summoned to the CEO office for lunch. Michael had received some 4 applications for the job and between him and the PM they declined each application except the CEO’s suggestion.

Michael outlined the job role to Tom. He could see the benefits in the role and the need. He explained they were always getting late orders from the office, ones he knew, were sitting in the office for weeks as he knew the other firms foremen. He did side step the sales and administration team, mainly to keep the business and for the company and him to have a job to keep his son in school. His wife had died 10 years ago.
Michael was not happy to hear this but it did confirm a fear he had. He offered the role to Tom.
He did accept on a 6 month trial. Then Tom was surprised with the next news. He was getting a bonus of $5000. This was to assist your son in getting a new dinner suit for the school formal. Please do not tell your son I am doing this. Tom agreed thinking what the hell has he done now. After lunch sitting in his office he remembered an accounts clerk mentioning a possible invoice problem some months ago. He looked up to see if she was still employed with the company. She is, he directed Personnel to move her to work with Tom.

After school I rang Carol “What’s happening?”
Carol answered “Dad has allowed me a four hour window for dinner on Saturday night. It’s an opportunity to relax my brain. Are you willing to take me to dinner?”
I replied “Sure am but where, we don’t want people to know yet, do we?”
Carol replied “No Mum is working on that, she might ring your mum about it.”
I mentioned “My mum is not here, she died, I just live with my dad now.”
Carol replied “Oh, sorry, your dad should have some good news today coming home from work. I am not to know, you know.’ By the way I have two formal offers so far and I have refused them saying ‘I have been spoken for’. I’m loving it. Thanks for the day in school everyone is wondering what we are going to do if we are formally announced as DUX of the school. How about we stand together, look nasty at each other and say ‘we thank the teachers and others for their wonderful efforts in bringing forth our ability to learn and retain knowledge’.”
I replied “I was saying the same words as you were saying it. Yes, let’s say it together. Let’s look at each other with an angry smile and step away like we don’t want to be together.”
Carol laughed “Yes lets, I’ll give you an extra hug on Saturday. Do you have any swimmers?
I replied “Yes.”
Carol answered “Have them in the car and a change of clothes for Sunday morning. Just in case. I’ll see you in school tomorrow, my mortal adversary.”
I replied “Bye, bye my ninja.” He fell backwards on his bed holding his phone to his heart.

Tom walked into his open house finding his son, in his bedroom asleep, with his phone on his chest surrounded with open study books. He woke his son.
I quickly realised where I was. “Sorry dad for not starting dinner.”
Dad sat on the edge of my bed. “Well tonight we will go out for dinner. I have some good news to tell you but first why do I have to buy you a good dinner suit?”
I went very red in the face. “Um dad, I asked a girl to the formal ball and she accepted, her father insisted I wear a good formal dinner suit to compliment her gown.”
Dad asked “Who the hell is the Girl?”
I replied “Carol Jones, Your CEO’s daughter. The girl I have been fighting with, for school honours, during the last five years. Awards on Friday will be revealing. You have an invitation on the bench dad. But be quiet on the formal ball date, we want to surprise everyone on the day.”
Dad replied “Well son, something happened, I have been promoted at work to Superintendent of Foreman position. A major promotion reporting directly to the CEO. It will tell of the slowness with the sales and admin teams which affect production. Which we carry the blame. Anyway shoes on, let’s go out for dinner.

Friday Morning Assembly. Tom, Susan and Michael attended the morning assembly together with around twenty other parents. Both Barry and Carol were announced as DUX of the school. They gave their prepared speech and turned away from each other. It was clear to others these two did not see eye to eye yet they said the same words in perfect timing. At the end of the session the parents congratulated the kids. Tom met Carol and whispered “So I finally meet the girl who has the heart of my son, I shall keep the secret.” She gave him such a stare. Others interpreted it as something completely different. Susan and Michael congratulated Barry but at a distance, again keeping the secret.

Carol texted me “What did your Dad mean by he met the girl who stole his son’s heart?”
I answered “Tell you after the Formal Ninja Girl.”

I drove to Carol’s and arrived at 5.45. I was smartly dressed with shoes. Carol was dressed in a smart cocktail dress and short heel shoes. Her hair and makeup was casually done. Smart but casual. Both Carol’s parents were happy with his dress standard. They complemented each other. Susan gave me the address of the restaurant some 45 minutes away. It was a private hard to get booking place and not one kid from their school should be attending. Because of their age they cannot order any alcoholic drinks but the dinner choice is smorgasbord. Susan said “Enjoy yourselves. We are going out and will not be back until Sunday evening.”
Carol smiled, I looked surprised.
Much to the surprise of Carol’s parents, Barry opened the car door for Carol to sit in. Closing it he moved quickly around to his side and moved off in a smooth manner. Michael said to Susan “That surprised me, I would have let one rip, but then that would not have impressed us now-a-days. As Carol said, a gentleman. I spoke to a few of his father’s workers this week. He commands a great group of company workers, most loyal. Why did it take this long to find him? Anyway, let’s get ready to go to our night out. Bags packed darling?”
Susan replied “Yes love.” smiling at him. They turned to close up the house.

Carol said “They are going away for the night so you can stay over with me and we can spend the day swimming and studying?”
I asked “Studying what?”
Carol smiled “Hopefully our anatomy. You have slept with a girl before?”
I admitted “No, you have one on me, but I am willing to learn?” going red in the face, I kept my eyes on the road.
Carol smiled and held my leg “So you are a virgin, Barry I would be proud to teach you the ways to please a female. You made me a promise and I am yet to use it but I am banking up the promises to you. You are in for the most rewarding night of nights. Now tell me what you remember about your mother?”

I did tell her the little I remembered and the extra I knew about my grandparents. Now-a-days it’s just me and my dad. Carol mentioned the same. Her Dad’s parents died before she arrived and mum’s mum died two years ago, to which you are well aware of. Her Will, to be read out on my 18th birthday. Much to the surprise of all. She has a house, well a mansion on the hill overlooking the ocean and company works. People think I will get it, I have no idea. I used to love running in and around the mansion hiding from Grandmother. We would swim together and if mum and dad were not around we would swim naked. She would always read me some sweet stories before I went to sleep. I tried so hard not to sleep as I enjoyed her voice. I so miss her, Barry.” I reached over and held her hand. I pulled over into a car park and pulled Carol close to me. Kissing her hair I said. “Well we are the next generation to carry on darling.” Carol broke into tears. Darling was one word Grandmother always used and said to her ‘your man will always use that word in love and support.’

Carol finished crying. I kissed and smiled at her. Pulled out my phone and took a picture. I showed her the picture and we both laughed. The hour she spent in applying the makeup was wasted. Carol asked, “Please delete that picture?”
I replied “No, that is a personal treasure, never to be released unless we get married, then, that is a diamond day picture. I will not release this picture around the school, that I do promise.”
I turned the interior mirror around so she could fix her makeup.
“You promise?” she asked.
“I promise.” I replied and sealed it with a kiss.

Proceeding to the restaurant. They had a fantastic meal and were very much surprised when no bill was presented. It was already paid for. Susan (mum) had arranged. Again he opened the car door for Carol on leaving the restaurant. A nice touch.

Returning to Carol’s home, She asked Barry to bring in his swimmers and change of clothes. He grabbed his bag containing them. Carol showed him the room next to hers and got him to dump his bag in it. Pulling him into her room, he looked at the room, in his mind the Holy of Holies. She waited for him to admire her room design. Carol asked “You like it?”
I replied “Yes.”
Carol smiled “Well it took me 4 hours to clean up today just for you, when I found out mum and dad were not here tonight. My mum said if I was having company tonight, this room had to be clean and tidy including the wardrobes. My parents know I have been with boys but I am not a slut. I pick and choose who I want to be with and I have not been with anyone for over nine months. Not since my last holiday overseas. Is that OK with you?”
I replied “Sure, it’s your decision. I’m not your master or boss. I’m grateful you are willing to teach me something I am lacking in darling. Hopefully I will be an excellent student.”
Carol hugged me, I returned the hug and kissed her hair. What I did not realise at the time, it was the way I kissed her hair was the same way Carol Grandmother kissed her hair.

Carol started to undress my shirt. I started to remove Carol’s dress. We kissed in between removal. She removed my shorts, I reached around to undo her bra and failed to find the clasp. Carol being a C cup girl had the clasp in front. She laughed at me then kissed me and apologised for laughing. It’s a trick girls play on boys, she explained. She held my hands onto her boobs and got me to squeeze them. She taught me to squeeze, roll and play with her nipples. I learnt to read her eyes the moves that excited and teased her. Moving my mouth, I licked and sucked on a nipple. She held my head to her body as she shook. I had made her cum from sucking on her nipples. Pulling my black hair from her boob she exclaimed. “Wow. Now remove my wet pants, and that is not pee but cum, you just made me cum Barry.”

I knelt and rolled down the matching colour panties to the bra. They were soaked. I smelt and tasted the juices, removing her shoes at the same time as I removed her wet panties. She opened her legs. I could see her juices running down her legs. An automatic reaction was to lick those juices up the insides of each thigh. This set her off producing more. I pushed her back towards the bed. Looking around Carol fell backwards across her bed. I opened her legs and from watching many porn movies, I delved into the juices of Carol’s vagina. Her juices were like honey to me. I licked her clitoris, sending her off again. I dived into her vagina with my tongue, drinking as much of her juices as possible, sending her off again, finally she grabbed my hair and asked “stick your cock in my pussy.”

I did. Pulling down my undies, my hard cock stretched her vagina and she felt complete. It entered deeply, the total 9 inches reached inside her. I pumped into her. Carol sucked me in and within a few minutes we both exploded in cumming together. We fell asleep exhausted for over an hour.

I woke up first and realised I still had my pants around my ankles with my shoes and socks on. Carol woke up and could feel the semi hard cock of me within her. She kissed me.
“Who was teaching who?” she asked.
I replied “You are a good teacher darling, but I am still partly dressed.” She looked at my clothes around my ankles and laughed. As I slowly pulled out of her she was surprised with my size. I removed my shoes, socks and undies.
Carol asked “Feel like swimming now, naked?”
I replied “OK with you.” I held her hand as she led the way. We dived into the warm evening pool. Carol did a few laps and I followed.

As she stood still at the shallow end, I came through her legs, twisted around and went to kiss her. Carol realised what I was going to do and pulled me out of the water and kissed me first before Before I could get a mouth of air. We laughed and held each other. We spent the next 30 minutes swimming and playing around in the pool. Finally we got out and sat on the side of the pool. With our towels around us I kissed Carol and she responded in kind.

We returned to Carol’s room, showered and entered Carol’s bed. This time Carol, realising I was hard, moved me onto my back, she sat on my legs and played with our cock, as she calls it, making sure it was very hard. Rising up she directed our cock into our hot wet pussy. She slowly sank down on my cock in bliss. I looked into her eyes and placed my hands on her boobs slowly playing with them. It did not take long for Carol to cum. Her juices ran down my cock onto Carol’s sheets. She came again this time. Drawing my cock deeper into her pussy. Finally I rolled Carol over and pounded her pussy, we both came together. This time we slept for over seven hours.

We woke up again arm in arm and connected. Carol kissed me awake. I returned the kiss and started to get hard inside Carol’s vagina. This time we took our time for lovemaking. It was around 20 minutes by the time we both came together. We showered and walked down to the kitchen for breakfast. I made the toast whilst Carol did the juice.

As the day turned cool we dressed and decided to review some history work together. This is how Susan and Michael found us just before lunch time. They did return early because of the change in the weather. We had lunch together. Carol and I did some Geography revision for 3 hours before I left for home. Michael walked in to see Carol. “How did you like the revision with Barry? To an outsider it seems you were pulling each other apart yet you were not nasty to each other. Do you think your time together this weekend was worthwhile?”

Carol answered “It’s like I knew something and he knew the other part. We reminded each other of the other parts. I have no problem now with either subject we reviewed today. I can understand what you are saying and if you saw us in class you would understand. It is the way we interact. Now we are friends, it’s like we are reminded of what each one needs to know for the exams. If his dad approves, can Barry come over next Friday and stay until Sunday so we can study together. After all, we both want to do very well in our exams, please Daddy?”
“I dare say Barry will say yes, I’ll check with Tom, I will say yes as well, I want you to succeed. No monkey business like this weekend though.” Michael replied.
Carol answered “Yes Daddy.” with a sly smile. He kissed her good night.

Two minutes later Susan’s mother walked in asking how the dinner was. Carol answered “Very nice mum and thanks for paying for it. Dad said Barry can come over next Friday till Sunday to study and review for our exams after we did our study today. I feel really happy studying with Barry, it’s like he fills in the parts I forget and I do the same for him. Dad did say no monkey business like this weekend though. I must say he is a great, no, the best lover I have ever had. He just seems to fill me. It’s like he fits me perfectly.”
Susan answered “I understand, daughter. I love your dad for the same reason. You need to try a few boys to find your man.”
“Mum, you are the second person to say something that makes me think Barry may be my Man. No, maybe the third person.” Carol replied.

Susan looked at her puzzled but could see she would not say anything more. She kissed her good night. It took Carol an hour to fall asleep. She could not sleep until she sent the message to Barry ‘Hope your Dad says yes to next weekend, ask him to say YES please, swimmers needed.’ Barry was talking to his dad when the message came in, he showed him the message. The two of them not understanding it, just put it to the back of their mind.

Monday morning at school, both of us were called into the Principal’s office. He personally congratulated us and asked us to curtail our signs of anger when we are presented in the next few school events. We would like to show unity please. We agreed, on leaving and with no one in the corridor Carol stated her dad’s approval for a weekend of study but no monkey business, however bring your swimmers and school books. We did not touch or kiss but turned and walked away just in case someone was watching. You can never tell in school. Both of us were so happy.

Michael spoke to Tom regarding the other foremen targets, “I have assigned a girl from accounts Zoe, to assist. Tell her, for the time being she is assisting you in office procedures, but I feel you might need some accounting investigation on the quiet. If you do, come to me and I’ll get her higher computer access approval. No one else, just me.
Tom answered “Sure, I’m or we are to find and only tell you. You trust this young girl?”
Michael replied “She mentioned to me, in passing some time ago, something was funny with some accounts invoices. I was too busy to follow up but with other niggle items, I remembered her, so I’m assigning her with you as an ‘office girl’. If things pan out I will reward her.
Tom smiled, “I understand Michael?”

Michael continued, “Also Carol wants Barry to help study this weekend from Friday till Sunday. The way they studied last weekend, it was like two opposites coming together. I have never seen Carol so happy. She can be temperamental, being a redhead, but it’s like Barry lights her up and they both beam brightly. They both want to do well in their exams, in their final year.”
Tom answered “Yes Carol messaged Barry requesting I agree to the weekend of study but to bring swimmers. I know he does need a study buddy. They do seem to complement each other. I’ll let him know I said yes. You will let Carol know. I might drop him off and not have his car outside your place all weekend?”
Michael smiled “You will hear the scream of joy tonight at dinner time Tom. Good idea on the drop off.” as they laughed.

That night Carol jumped up from the table, sat on her dad’s lap and kissed him. Something she had not done for a long time. “Thank you daddy, thank you.” on being told Barry was coming for the weekend. Susan’s look of joy at her daughter’s happiness reminded her of her youthful time.
Susan answered “Well daughter, you better plan out the weekend meals so I can shop for you. Dad and I do have dinner and a show on Saturday night we must attend or have you forgotten Michael?”
Michael replied “No I did not want Carol to know yet we were not here again on Saturday night.”
Carol looked at her dad “We will be studying?”
Michael replied “Daughter, I was your age once and I know what your mother and I were like?”
Susan replied “Yes and we still got good results in our exams both physically and mental. And what do you mean ‘were like’?” she laughed.

Carol finished dinner and in her room spoke to me. We were both overjoyed with the news. We did a rough study plan for the weekend, with time out for meals and ‘rest’ periods.

We had two school events as Dux of the school the following week. We did the good actions for the school but those that knew could see the underlying bad current, so they thought. I did not ask anyone to attend the formal, not that I was expected to ask or even attend. Carol was asked by nearly everyone and they all got the same answer.

Dad took Zoe, she is 33 and single, out for dinner to discuss the role. He wanted to get her feelings and understanding of the company, away from the company office. The talk lasted 4 hours and they really became friendly and comfortable with each other. They felt they could trust each other and quietly reveal their findings. Especially if they affect the company badly.

After work on Friday, dad drove me to Carol’s, who was waiting at the door. We kissed as soon as the door was closed. I was shown to my room and joined Carol’s parents for dinner. Carol did show the planned study timetable to her dad. He was lost with the new names used.

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