A dragon ate an alchemist that just so happened to have an experimental invisibility potion with him. Now she's 'bedridden' and unable to work. A reporter interviews her.
This story is complete, I'm just submitting it in chunks. In a land inhabited by demons and humans, a demon hunter named Hiryu loses a fight to a demon. His sister Bells must find the demon's lair and save her brother before the demon eats him.
A story in the Central City Universe
The year is 2276, and mankind has progressed beyond automation. Human augments function as living tools and servants. They can perform tasks robots are not well suited to such as entertainment and companionships. This is the story of a citizen of the Central City Archology visiting the City Zoo with her family.
A Soft Drinks Story Home from college for Christmas, Mary is despondent because her old boyfriend from high school has dumped her. But her old hobby horse provides some comfort. Illustrated.
New adventures.
An arrogant world altering mission, is dependent upon one less than moral man's whim. Is it Fate? The decision is his because the means to effect change is uniquely his. If Fate placed this power to decide for the world, in his hands deliberately, we can only hope Fate knows what it's doing, is wise in selecting him. Serendipity? Cross your fingers nothing don't happen and the creek don't rise, and maybe it will turn out OK.
A man and two women are transformed by a sexual hell. A bit dark, but funny too. Set in my home town, not the hell part, hehe. Think of what teenage boys dream about and you can imagine how they are transformed.
After communicating for centuries with princess Celestia, princess Bubblegum perfects a portal generator to allow them to finally visit face to face. Things go haywire when the portal shuts down, stranding Celestia in the land of Ooo. Isolated from Equestria, Celestia can not process Oooian magic and her personality changes drastically. Will a newly futanari Bonnibel seduce the now childlike adult mare? Will James Baxter makes an unexpected appearance? Read this twisted crossover to find out!
Follow the new God, Ian, as He experiences the longest Saturday ever known, and in which He ties many loose ends, consolidates power over the nations, expands his empire, and brings leaders and governments to heel. Oh, and he gets laid a lot along the way.