It's 11:00 pm on Christmas Eve at the Last Chance Diner, in Bethlehem, PA. The 2012 Apocalypse failed to materialize and something amazing is about to happen.
Lilly Rose and The Silencer
This is the prequel to the Return of Lilly Rose both are stand alone stories. But you might like to read this one first. This is a complete story but I'll send out a chapter at a time twice a week. This is about Lilly and how she came to be. Plus her first love and loss
A story in Troy & Julie's Universe.
Contessa Helena de San Finzione is in Seattle. So are her dearest friends. So is Springheel. So is the man willing to kill her over it.
Becca discovers a old friend on the BART train. That leads to discovering many new things about herself and her husband Bobby. There is the drama of why everyone wants Bobby's laptop and what the next steps in their life will be. Then there is the beautiful security expert... This story has many BDSM theme scenes, but remains in the area of possible.
Banditti: [ban-dit-ee] >Robbers or outlaws >A band, or company of Bandits. This is the story of Tommy & Jennifer 'J Lo' Manara. A young newlywed couple in West Texas who never were bandits, they just happened to be in the wrong place at the time of a robbery.
A Alison and Jos Story Part of the Life story universe
This story is a romance about rediscovery and sailing away into the sunset. It's something that I've been working on for the past year, a longish tale in two parts. The first part, the introduction, was to be a romantic rediscovery of lost love, introducing the main characters. The second, loss, and anguish on the high seas. Both parts have been submitted together