This is the fourth Katie R story and it's one of my very faovirtes. it has everything. George Jones, Pred and the Predtones, an 80 person gang bang and so much more. I think it's real funny and one that most people really like.
A story in the The Company (wandrer) Universe
A group of girls on vacation are acquired for transformation into sexual livestock. -------- Old School Story Codes: mc, tf, mf, ff, humil, drug, lact, be, inc, nc
The standard dating clubs and matchmaking circles have poor results with physical measurements, facial features, etc. Now, we have the new science of female ass shape selections. Men want to know which shape they are dating. Is it Round, Square, Triangle shape, or the basic Heart shape. So many asses and so little time.
Follow the new God, Ian, as He experiences the longest Saturday ever known, and in which He ties many loose ends, consolidates power over the nations, expands his empire, and brings leaders and governments to heel. Oh, and he gets laid a lot along the way.