A married though lonely woman, feeling her life lacked love and affection, is tempted to buy a ticket in the Love Lottery. She hadn't heard of it before and entering was expensive, but when you are desperate you'll try anything...
Julie was living her pampered, sheltered middle class dream, with a well paid executive husband and a luxurious suburban home that stretched the limits of even their generous, self indulgent budget. But that all changed when the sudden onset of hard times forced Julie to face a drastic and degrading choice.
Jennifer loved her clothes. She loved dressing nice and she loved shopping for new clothes. But Dave was just a working man and their finances couldn't support her shopping habit. When she bought some very expensive shoes, he had to step in and stop her...
A Bananagrams Story (9) The seven words for the November Bananagram are CEDE, CUNT, FEZ, YAW, DONG, GENIE, and FLAX. Your task is to use all these words in a story of a single sentence. Remember that you can add letters to the beginning or ending of a word to make a new word. CEDE, for example, can be made into RECEDE. FLAX could be made into FLAXEN.