The story centers around the small town of Crow Town, after most of the US and the rest of the world had sunk down into the Earth, like the legend of Atlantis, and are now underwater. A day after the global flooding, a sinister creature that resembles something out of a fairy tale, visits different people from Muslim students suffering abuse from the towns residents, rednecks, school bullies and all-time losers, granting them darkest desires and making them come true.
One of the hottest times I had on a lake was when Kristen and I went waterskiing with one of her boyfriends and his brother. Kristen wasn't available this time but a couple of guys didn't seem to mind that it was just me. The only question was, how far would they go with my mom there watching? Well, actually two questions... Would she just watch?
Many people tell of the Bang Bus, trekking it's way cross-country to find as many lovely and eager ladies to shag as possible. But this time they find women from all over the worlds of cartoons and beyond to have fun.
Having triumphed in Mortal Kombat over Kronika, Kano has emerged as the preeminent power in all the dimensions. With no one to oppose him, he is more than happy to indulge in every twisted fantasy he's ever had.