Fantasies can be fun, playful and enrich your sex life. Karen and Bill discover that sharing fantasies can renew the lust they felt for each other when they first married. But how far should you let your fantasies go? Should there be a limit? Karen didn't think so. Be careful what you wish for.
This story is a work of fiction set in the future when the World Court lowers the age of consent, making it standard at 14, and abolishes remaining laws against consensual incest. Characters: Nate Renner 36 – Dad, Alyssa Renner 34 – Mom, Haylie Renner 16 – Daughter, Eric Renner 14 – Son, Caleb Renner 12 – Son
Attending a new school and wanting to be a cheer leader, young Wendy gets caught in a trap to make her a slut and whore for the Captain of the squad. She is encouraged to do an initiation which exposes her naked body in the school and then is blackmailed to do as the captain says. She will do anything to stop her parents from seeing what she did and only gets in deeper. But, she didn't have to worry because her parents already know and helped set her up.
This story is especially for readers who asked about how the family got to where they were. Besides giving that info, it includes INCEST, group sex, creme pies, DP, and exhibitionists, with some anal and bi-sexual themes. Then came NND!
While her husband is away on a business trip, Ellen and her daughter are kidnapped by some escaped convicts who take them to their boss's hideaway. There mother and daughter have everything done to them sexually that is completely against the way that Ellen was brought up. Well written book.