Only the Beginning - Cover

Only the Beginning

by Caesar

Copyright© 1999 by Caesar

Incest Sex Story: Discovering that there is a serial rapist terrorizing two female family members, a detective must confront himself if he is to capture him.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Daughter   BDSM   MaleDom   Group Sex   Anal Sex   .

Copyright© 1999-2003

Said the Duchess of Danzer at tea,
"Young man, do you fart when you pee?"
I replied with some wit,
"Do you belch when you shit?"
I think that was one up for me.


Detective James Broody reviewed the notes, from the first officers on the scene, with distaste. He had hoped never to have to again deal with this type of crime after leaving the big city. Rare was any violent crime committed in this town, his role as the sole detective was one of minor crimes mostly of the 'white collar' variety.

It was nine in the morning, the sun was shining and if not for this call James would now be having a great day. After he finished questioning the last officer and waiting for the paramedics to give him the nod, he entered the master bedroom of the moderate sized house.

Penny was sitting up with her head upon her eldest daughters shoulder while her son and husband stood above her. The paramedics had bandaged her wrists and ankles where the rope had bitten into her skin, and were waiting to take her to the hospital for a detailed examination.

James took a deep breath, and announced himself, "Excuse me Penny? My name is James Broody. I need to ask a few questions?" He squatted down before her so his eyes would be at an equal height to her own. He also had enough experience to know not to reach out and touch a woman whom had just been violated.

Penny lifted her head, whipped at the steady stream of tears rolling down her cheeks and nodded affirmatively. The daughter looked threateningly at the officer.

"I'm sorry that I need to do this right now..."

"Thats okay, I know the procedure."

The woman looked right into his eyes and James saw a strange calmness within her. He nodded though he had no idea how she knew 'the procedure'. "Thank you Penny. Just a few questions okay?"

Something within the detective was stirring, something was not right here. Penny wasn't acting exactly as other rape victims he had investigated years before, in the city.

"I was blindfolded and never saw anything."

He nodded and turned a page in his notebook to start taking notes when the daughter spoke up, "The sick fucking bastard!" Now anger is an expected emotion, thought the detective.

James took a glance up at the husband and saw that he looked exhausted, humbled and just a little humiliated. Another strange reaction, though not overly so.

The son looked concerned and a little angry. All normal there, thought the detective.

"You were alone in the house?"

The husband, Charles, answered, "Linda", the daughter, "and I were in the city interviewing with the University overnight and Glen was at a friends." James nodded and made a notation.

"We have only been here for three fucking weeks... !" Again the daughters outburst. James made another note.

Penny squeezed her daughters hand and chastised her, "Honey." Linda started to sob and placed her head upon her mothers chest.

James always hated investigating rapes.

Between sobs Linda blurted out, "When is it going to end mom?"

James froze. "When is what going to end?" He looked at each family member in turn but no one spoke. Finally he centred his gaze at the mother, "Penny?"

She started to cry horribly and hid her face in her daughters hair.

James turned again to the son who remained silent, staring sadly at his mother and sister. The husband was the first to answer, after a firm look from the police officer. "This isn't the first time."

James felt his guts tighten.

The son volunteered, "We moved because...".

"... because there have been other attacks." Charles completed his sons statement.

That stunned James and he starred with astonishment at the family. A stalking serial rapist here, in this tiny city, a town really, where there was barely one violent crime a year! A rapist that had followed the family... , "Where did you live before?"

Again Charles answered, "Which time?"

He was serious. "You have moved multiple times?"

Glen nodded and Charles continued, "Four times in the last three years. The police have never caught who ever is doing this."

"How many times... ?" James couldn't ask, to think that this family had been terrorized by a serial rapist for the last couple of years seemed incredible.

Glen answered, "Both mom and Linda have been attacked more times than we want to count."

"Linda also?"

Charles nodded affirmatively. Glen added, "They have also been attacked both at the same time." The two sobbing ladies became louder with their grief.

It was too incredible to be true, thought the experienced detective. The civilized man within him was disgusted. It was barbaric, disgusting and very scary that such a thing could happen.

Chapter I

Penny soaked for nearly an hour in the huge jet tub, the steam from the hot water clouding the very air within the large bathroom. It had been a week since the rape and four since they had moved to this supposedly quiet town.

The rope burns were healing nicely, as they always did, but the memories were firmly embedded within the middle-aged woman's psychic.

It had all been like a bad dream that keeps repeating; the animated policemen with their standard questions, the incredible look upon their faces when they learn the full extend of what Penny and her family had to endure, the medical samples and probing by the doctors and nurses, the crying and humiliation of it all.

The strange thing about the whole thing was that it Penny was now a veteran rape victim. She understood the emotions and violations of her body and mind, even to the point of anticipating them. How many times, the detective wanted to ask, dozens? Hundreds? Maybe a thousand or more? Between Penny and Linda, it had to be at least a few hundred times that they had been attacked, mostly, within their own home.

Penny closed her eyes and remembered; the sudden consciousness and awareness that someone had bound and blinded her, the slow methodical tearing and ripping of her bed garments and underclothes, the minute detail that the rapist enjoyed examining her every inch, the gentle touches between her legs, the mouth upon her nipples, the fingers within her rectum and vagina, the cock moving again and again within her!

Penny popped open her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to still the pounding of her chest. It was not always the same; sometimes the rapist enjoyed hurting her other times he was soft and gentle, passionate even. There was the one common denominator though, the rapist loved to insert himself within her body. It did not seem to matter if it was her mouth, ass hole or cunt. And the seed he left, three times the last time, seemed to humiliate her with its potency.

She could still taste the strong salty sperm upon her tongue, where he had ejaculated that last time. The bitter taste and knowledge that it had just been withdrawn from her own anus a constant. His manhood pounding again and again with his soft hairy stomach hitting her nose, the smooth head of his cock hitting the back of her throat.

Penny again popped open her eyes and realized her hand was between her legs, and withdrew it rapidly. The most humiliating thing to the forty two year old, was that she loved it. God help her, she prayed, but she hopped Charles never realized the truth, how she craved that next attack.

Chapter II

Charles sat down at the supper table and smiled at his wife then remarked, "Save me some mashed potatoes Glen!" He received a smile as the sixteen year old teenager passed the greatly reduced pile of potatoes to his father.

Nothing was said, what could be voiced that had not already been said? Charles asked Linda if she had decided upon a University but she only shrugged. It was only her father that was pushing the advanced education. There was still three more Universities to research before accepting, if she did.

Penny was normally somber after an attack but not nearly as distraught as she had been years before, after the first few attacks. Now, the family tried to return to normalcy as soon as possible.

"Are we going to move again?" It was Linda, the one that Charles was most concerned about. Each time one of them was attacked, she withdrew further into herself. Only his wife was able to 'connect' with their daughter.

Charles looked to his wife. Penny sat down and reached over to grab a dinner roll, "From what I've seen of it, this is a very nice town. Our neighbours are especially nice."

Linda just looked up in astonishment, "What about that bastard?" They all knew which one she was referring too.

Only Penny could answer such a question, "Why move again, it seems no place is safe?" She only shrugged and reached for a dolupe of butter for her roll. His wife had been against the move in the first place, only agreeing when she discovered the perks in moving into a much nicer home and quieter town.

There was logic in what his wife said, even though Charles hatted to admit it.

The court case had decided in their favour, and his family received a sizeable amount from the city, two moves ago. Essentially, since the city could not protect them, as was their mandate, they were open to liable from Charles' lawyers. It essentially allowed them to buy this very expensive house in a town where there was very little industry or opportunities if Charles had to keep working. If they had to move again, they could easily afford it.

Linda stood up and shouted, "Don't you care! Doesn't anyone fucking care anymore!" The eighteen year old ran out of the kitchen and towards the stairs up to her room.

Glen asked, "Should we save her some chicken?"

Penny nodded, "I'll make up a dinner for her."

Charles asked, "Does anyone want to go to the movie tonight?"

Chapter III

"Honey?" Penny had knocked three times without a response before she opened the door gently and looked in. "Can I come in darling?" She did anyways, closing the door behind her.

Penny sat down upon her daughters bed and reached out to stroke the long blonde hair, like her fathers, gently. Linda had her face in her pillow and never looked up.

Time moved forwards as the mother soothed her daughter simply with her presence. No one else alive could understand what Penny had endured, other than her very own daughter. In fact, much to Penny's humiliation, Linda knew of her mothers sadistic enjoyment of the rapes she experienced. Though she had never spoken of it, not even to her mother. She had to know, as they were infrequently forced to endure a rape together, having to perform upon each other for the rapist. Penny inevitably enjoyed these encounters and her body could not lie. Nor the sound of her screams of passion and her pleading for more be forgotten so easily.

"Why mom?"

It had been nearly a half hour that the two of them had sat there in silence before Linda had spoken up.

"Why what honey?" Penny spoke softly to her only daughter, feeling only sadness for her.

"Why us?"

That is a question that they had all asked themselves many many times. To no conclusion obviously. Penny didn't bother answering.

Linda sat up and fell into her mothers chest, wrapping her arms about her neck in a fierce hug. "I don't know if I could endure another, mother!"

Penny sighed and continued to stroke her eldest child's hair. "You must darling." A couple of years before she would have added, "Until they catch him", but no longer held to that illusion.

"I'm not like you... !" Linda sobbed loudly and then silently cried against her mom.

This was the closest she had even come to mentioning her mothers perverse enjoyment of the rapes. Then Linda whispered, almost to herself, "I wish I was."

There had been an army of doctors and shrinks that the two ladies had attended too, but none had helped the young woman with her fear and disgust. How could they, were they expecting to be raped at any time? Where they forced to endure a man within them again and again, with no hope of it stopping. When a cock shoved within their ass holes, mouths and cunts so many times that they knew every millimetres of that enlarged manhood? Could they close their eyes and still taste the man's seed upon their tongues? Of course they could not, only Penny and Linda could know. Without ever knowing what that intruder's face looked like, though Penny had often fantasied to herself what he must look like.

Penny sighed and had nothing to say, silence was often the right remedy to her daughters 'fits'.

Linda asked, after her tears had slowed, "How do you do it mother?"

She was afraid to ask, "What dear?" Her mouth was dry and her question had come out more as a croak.

Linda lifted her head and looked into her mothers eyes, "How do you... endure?"

How could she answer that question, thought the middle-aged woman? That she looked forwards to that first second when she realized her rapist was again upon her. She certainly did not want to verbalize her pleasure of the perverse actions she had to submit.

Linda continued, "I saw you last weekend, I could smell you", Penny felt her face flush knowing that her daughter was referring to her sexual scent, the one that she vented when her sex was excited. It was the smell of her pleasure, of raw sex. And her own daughter was so intimate with it that she knew what even her own father probably did not. "I knew that look in your eyes." Penny was not sure which look her daughter was referring too, but did not want to find out.

"Listen darling, you can't worry about things we have no control over." Like that pounding hard cock thought Penny feeling a wave of desire run through her.

Chapter IV

Linda had found her mother bound to the four corners of the bed and tape over her eyes. Penny had been asleep for hours, the dried sperm caked to her breasts and face, and had worn a soft smile of the sexually pleased.

For several minutes the eighteen year old had stood there staring at her naked mothers body. Pale of skin with generous breasts and soft round hips, she was a voluptuous sexy woman. Her mom looked her age but in a sexy woman-next-door look that Linda never inherited.

Linda had gained her fathers attributes; skin that tanned nicely and stayed tanned forever, a firm body and thick full hair. She had been proud of her boyish frame and athletic body, at least till it became a bane when the rapes began.

The teenager wished, with all her heart, to enjoy the rapes as much as her mother obviously did. She often dreamed about one of the first attacks when she realized her mom was enjoying herself. The sounds of her mother panting, the wet sloppy sounds of a man within the sex of a very excited wet woman, the begging her mother did, and finally the scream of release as the orgasm overwhelmed her own mom. She constantly noticed evidence that her mom enjoyed herself.

If her mother enjoyed being dominated and controlled by that unknown man who came to them, Linda secretly believed she may enjoy the same but with her mother as the dominant. Even the sound of her mom's heavy breathing was enough to bring faint memories of forced encounters their rapist had made them endure.

If she could only come to enjoy that cock within her, to enjoy being bound helpless and blind, to enjoy the uncertainty of it all - then she knew she would not be so distraught. If only it wasn't that man, the unknown owner of that cock that she was forced to be invaded with.

"Do you think ill of me?" Her mother whispered.

Linda wondered for several minutes what her mom meant, then she understood.

"Do you think I'm a slut?" Her mom looked shamed, embarrassed.

Linda answered completely truthfully, "No mom, I envy you."

Her mom held her firmly and the two of them shared a cry.

Chapter V

God no! Shouted Linda, in her minds eye.

She could not see and could feel the cotton over each eye, secured with a strip of surgical tape. She knew the familiar feeling. Her hands were bound above her and together.

She was awake, it had to be still dark. Where were her family? Her mom?

The rapist was already between her thighs, the familiar blunt head of his cock fumbling with her folds. Finally she felt the intrusion as it forced itself within her cunt. She screamed into her own panties as the man moved in and out of her again and again.

He had lubricated himself enough to gain entrance but not enough to still the initial pain to the scared young woman.

Please finish and go! Please leave me alone, thought Linda again and again.

But the man didn't. He pulled himself out of her, grabbed at her bound wrists and roughly dragged her off her own single bed onto the carpeted floor. Slowly, and quietly, the rapist dragged her down the stairs to the main level, through to the kitchen and then down the hardwood steps to the basement. Even though Linda could not see, she knew where he was taking her within her own house.

There was never any real fight left in the teenage girl. Perhaps years before she had fought, but had been punished mercilessly each time. Now, the only thing she did to hinder the attacker was to go lifeless, not to help him in his rape of her body.

So he lifted the teenager, with effort, up onto the pool table and dropped her onto her back. She lay scared and listening as she heard her clothes tearing and knew he was again cutting her garments from her body.

He didn't always get her clothes off her without cutting, and Linda stayed very still wishing this rape to hurry up and be over. The chilly air licked her skin as her nightgown lay about her in tatters. A thumb and finger squeezed the left nipple until Linda screamed into her soiled panty muzzle. Then the hand moved to the other breast and repeated.

She felt a hard thin blunt object push past her outer labia and into her. Far into her. Roughly hands forced her arms down and she held what she guessed was a pool cue. With motions, he instructed her to move the object within her own body.

She did. Linda always did what she was told by the rapist. She may hate every second but she knew the terror and pain of rebellion.

The familiar sound of a camera as it took pictures. It was the one thing the rapist seemed to enjoy doing, taking pictures of her or her mother during or after an attack. She had not mentioned that fact to anyone before, humiliated with the knowledge that a huge number of photos contained her raped and abused image. Her mother had never mentioned it before either, but Linda never knew why not. So, at least to Linda's knowledge, only the rapist and his two victims knew of the existence of pictures.

She was dragged further up the table till her head hung over the edge, and like a good little victim she did as she was told and continued to plunge the pool cue in and out of her sex. A cock was pressed against her lips and Linda opened her mouth to engulfed it.

Oh god, make this all end. Please!

Linda felt the large familiar cock pressed down her throat again and again even as the cue continued to pump in and out of her. She wanted it all to stop, to be left alone.

What she wanted, she told herself, was for this man this rapist to go and force fuck her mother and just leave her alone. Baring that, she wanted to enjoy it, as she knew her mother would.

More pictures were taken and then a long silence except for the grunts of her attacker and the slapping of skin upon skin. Linda knew he was close, felt the sudden enlargement of his penis head.

The rapist withdrew and groaned as a small rainfall of sperm splashed down upon Linda's face. All the while she continued to pump the cue within her cunt.

More photos.

Roughly the cue was withdrawn from her hands and body and thrown in a corner. She was forced over onto her stomach, hands above her head, and feet apart. Linda prayed she was not to receive punishment, wondering if she had done anything wrong.

The cool wet feeling lubricant dropped from behind and above down upon the crevice of her ass. It was her tight young ass he wanted, she realized with a small amount of relief.

Just as the finger lubricated her anus, the digit slipping further and further within her, was when the rapist froze. Then he walked suddenly away from her and then she heard nothing for several minutes until a noise from above.

"Hello?" It was Glen her brother. Oh god, please save me Glen! "Anyone there?"

More movement and the sounds of the kitchen fridge opening and closing a couple of times.

Please come down to the basement Glen, she pleaded to herself.

Sounds retreating up the stairs to the upper level and then nothing. He had not come down the stairs.

The rapist soon returned and two fingers were pressed into her rectum. There would be no escape from her torture. Perhaps there never will.

Chapter VI

James Broody knew the address when dispatch sent him the call. He thought it too incredible to speculate until he arrived and the uniformed officer gave his verbal report.

It was nearly lunch and it was another beautiful day, at least for some. The officer lead the detective into the large home, through the corridor and down a long flight of stairs. Passing a wide variety of police and forensics the whole way.

He stood next to the photographer as he took pictures of the crime-scene. The uniform next to him said, "The daughter was done here."

James felt a flush of anger, "Violated!"

The young officer nodded apologetically, "Sorry, 'violated'." He retreated quickly.

The room was a large, still un organized room except for the the pool table, and with little visible evidence to the crime that had been committed here hours ago. There was stains upon the dark green fabric of the table and James nodded to the forensic doctor, "DNA?"

"We'll try Broody."

A ripped nightgown, or part of one, was discarded upon the floor. A pool cue was laying a foot away from the nightgown, the uniform had already given a play-by-play about what happened. One large handful of cotton, with a strip of tape on one side, was laying upon the pool table.

Other than the horror the family must be going through, and whom no one could empathize with as no one has probably gone through such a personal hell, this had the makings of turning into a huge red herring for the department. The initial incident had been quietly taken care off, favours were requested from the local newspaper to keep it quiet, at least till the perpetrator was apprehended. Yet, every civil servant that touched this case would now know it wasn't a one time incident.

It would be impossible to keep this quiet in their small town.

He turned and made to go up the stairs to question Linda.

Chapter VII

Penny sat upon her daughters bed and they silently held hands, listening to the commotion downstairs as well as thinking their own thoughts. Linda was silent, unemotional and uncaring. She had turned herself off from the horror of her evening.

It had taken hours for the rapist to torment her body, used it for his pleasure and leave her bound and gagged with his spend over her face and breasts. Her mother had found her, minutes later her father had come home and he demanded they again call the police.

Penny didn't want too, but Linda agreed when her father argued that it as the only way to catch the man doing this.

After telling three gray uniformed policemen their story, Penny had demanded to be alone with her daughter. The two of them had sat down and held each other in silence.

It must have been a complete hour before a word was spoken, gently and in almost a whisper Linda asked her mom, "I want to know how you do it mommy?"

Penny swallowed heavily, her mouth suddenly dry, "Know what dear?" She didn't want to ask but felt she had too.

Linda pulled her moms hands to her own lap and grasped them in a harsh grip. "Teach me to like it?"

Penny turned her head to stare into her daughters eyes, gaging what she had just heard. "Oh darling... !"

"Please mom, if I don't, I think I may go crazy." The teen pleaded with her eyes and the two shared a long deep look.

Finally, "I'm not sure if its something that can be taught." A part of her wanted her daughter to enjoy being raped, being used. Another part of her was horrified just at this conversation.

The first tear from the young woman slid down her cheeks. "Please!"

The knock a the door came at a perfect moment for the uncomfortable mother, "Yes?"

On the other side of the door Charles called out, "Detective Broody is here dear, can he come in?"

Penny silently asked her daughter and the girl gave a nod.

Chapter VIII

The detective entered after the summons and closed the door gently behind him.

Linda wore only an oversized tee-shirt while the mother was in a loose skirt and light shirt. They looked like siblings, contrary to their physical differences.

James took in the lack of emotion on Linda's part and saw the clenched hands knowing that these two ladies experienced a horror none of them could ever imagine.

"I'm sorry you had to see me again in this way."

Linda nodded and Penny said, "Its okay detective, your just doing your job."

The forty four year-old man went over the notes from the uniformed officers. "You found your daughter in the basement right Penny?"

"Yes, correct."

"And Linda, you never saw a thing?" She nodded no. "Hear anything?" He knew she had been blindfolded, it was just thorough to ask.

Linda nodded, "I heard Glen come downstairs and head for the kitchen."

"What time, approximately, was that?"

A shrug, "Just after midnight I guess. I prayed he would come downstairs and save me."

James looked up from his notebook and smiled sadly, unconvincingly. "So the man was still there when your brother came downstairs?" She nodded.

He turned to the mother, "Your daughter, when you found her, wasn't bound?"

"No she wasn't." Interesting thought the detective.

"Linda, why didn't you run upstairs for help when he", James quickly scanned his notes, "left a couple of hours before dawn?"

The teenager looked down at her feet for a lengthy minute until Penny answered the question for her, "Because she was told not too."

James thought he understood, though it was surprising that these ladies were so well conditioned.

He pulled a plastic evidence bag, closed and sealed, from a pocket. "Are these yours Linda?" She nodded affirmatively. James wanted to ask if she always wore such skimpy lingerie to bed but didn't know how.

Penny saw the black lace thong and understood the detectives caution, "She has to wear them."

James thought the mother looked partially embarrassed, though he know not why. "The rapist told her too?" Again a nod from Linda.

"Did he tell you that he was going to come here last night Linda?"

The teenager looked up into the detectives eyes, for the first time, and spat, "Good god no!" It was obvious the idea disgusted her.

Penny intervened, "He tells us to do things and if we don't do them..."

"... he hurts us." Finished Linda.

"He tells you to wear these", he held the bag up high for a brief moment, "during bedtime?"

Linda answered, finally thought the detective, "He told me to wear them at all times."

James swallowed and pretended to write into his notebook to still his emotions in this case. He finally looked up and asked, "Did he tell you to do anything Penny?"

She nodded and the silence afterwards was so awkward that she quickly blurted out, "I'm not to wear panties."

"Ever." Offered Linda.

"Is that all he ordered you two to do outside an assault?"

"No." Answered both, nearly in unison.

Though he should ask, and he wanted too, James never asked the next obvious question. Instead he went on to several other questions he had.

Chapter IX

James sat in his wide old easy chair and watched his wife shuffle about the family room, as she tidied up.

They had been married for nearly twenty two years and he wondered how his family would cope if someone was serially raping Laura his wife. She was a tiny and thin woman with nearly no breasts but a wide generous mouth that nearly always wore a smile.

James and Laura had spent the first two years together making love at every chance they got. The product of that time was their first child, a big strong boy. Though they were hard pressed to find time for the constant love-making as in their earlier years, they always found time during a week to meet as man and wife. Five years later, their second son was born.

Till now, James had never thought about what would happen if his family had a disaster such as the one befallen Penny and Charles. He could not bear the thought of another man touching his wife, forcing her to his will. Yet, the thought was now in his mind. The face of Penny as she told him that the rapist ordered her not to ever wear panties was embarrassed and humiliated beyond a point that could be conceivable for his wife Laura.

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