John is a thirty-something wastrel, living in his mother's basement. Then, a stroke of luck, and a lot of nagging lands him the rarest arcade game of all time. He thinks it will change his life, and finally show his mother that games are for real. However, John has no idea just how much it will change his life.
A story in the Sex Robots Universe
A wealthy and perverted orphan finds his birth parents. He remakes their family with some help from Dr. Li Corp's mad scientists. Includes bisexual males and ladyboy / hermaphrodite characters. - Same setting and premise as 'Li-Gals: Lucy' by my friend Limnophile. You should read that first.
It's the onset of COVID-19. I am Jean Henri Parma. I'm responsible for the Orient 3rd of the globe spanning business that my Great Grand Father started. This is a day in my life. This day will change the lives of: me, my life long love, my ex-wife, my paramour, my official office wife (w/benefits), a baby momma to be, my illegitimate daughter (& my aunt who is raising her), and a host of foils, friends, & others. What came before makes this day and this day makes what comes after.
Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Drama Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Romantic, BiSexual, Heterosexual, Fiction, Sharing, Slut Wife, Incest, Mother, Son, Polygamy/Polyamory, Interracial, White Male, White Female, Oriental Female, Indian Female, Big Breasts, Slow Downloads: 2122 | Votes: 20 | Score: 5.24 Size: 69KB | 12,870 words |
Mum and Stepdad take me and my little sister Heidi to Florida for the summer holidays but mum's gotta pay back in other ways, partly based on real experience
Bonnie walked in on a dream and a nightmare, hard to tell, for lying nude on her dining table was her very sexy sixteen-year-old daughter - naked, wearing Sony Walkman head phones, grooving while Bonnie's brand new husband sat in a chair and ate a beaver.