The Umbra Viventem, beings of strange and incredible power live in this world. With abilities that defy all human understanding, a regular young boy will fall head-first into a world of living shadows when he finds a young girl alone in a box. Love, power, and pleasure await as he learns about this strange creature and why she is so sexy and cute.
Closet transvestite Michele is kidnapped by a league of Arab men and forced into becoming a sex slave, performing depraved sex acts for their pleasure. Michele's only friend is her tutor Sarina, a fellow abductee, who teaches Michele how to satisfy the men who rape her every day. Michele is forced to suckle and fuck their huge cocks, ensuring they are satisfied. She eventually becomes adept in her role as a crossdressed puta but continues to plan her escape.
Mike Harris remembers when flying was a pleasure, a time when hosties were young, pretty and attentive; a time when passengers comfort and satisfaction came first; a time when hosties wore stockings. On a flight long ago Mike met an attractive mature hostess who gave him a footjob in his seat and later shagged him in the khazi.
Three women are held captive during a bank hold-up: the fifty-something divorced, sophisticated Assistant Manger; a thirty-something attractive woman trapped in an unhappy marriage; a cute seventeen-year-old devout Christian who is saving her virtue for her wedding day. The bank robbers have just been released after serving long prison sentences, and are hungry not only for money; but for sex.
Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica Tags: Reluctant, Slut Wife, Gang Bang, Voyeurism, Size, Leg Fetish Downloads: 5936 | Votes: 99 | Score: 6.42 Size: 11KB | 2,200 words |
Mike Harris is a part time transvestite who struggles with his compulsion to crossdress. He hung up his wig and high-heels over two years ago but 'The Quickening', his compulsion to dress as a woman, has returned and his alter ego Michele Nylons beckons. This is a semi-autographical story with a message but with plenty of titillation for those who enjoy a little 'under-the-skirt' stimulation
Another dark tale from Ms Nylons; probably her darkest tale yet. A closet transvestite drives through the cold dark night enroute to a clandestine assignation with her first ever lover. Elsewhere, events are unfolding that will put her on a collision course with danger and that will change her life forever. This story explores darker themes of non-consensual sex and should not be read by those who are not aficionados of the genre.
An evil bull who just happens to be an ex-boxer and psychology professor has a penchant for cuckolding men and taking their women. He just so happens to be so proficient at it that he is hired to make himself a presence in the lives of the enemies of the criminal underworld.