Mandy is a happily married mother in a new neighbourhood and to fit in agrees to go on a girlie night with a nearby neighbour Gail. Gail is being blackmailed by an unknown source and is tasked with giving Mandy alcohol and drugs, so the blackmailers can put Mandy in a position to be blackmailed too. This is the story of the humiliating and totally wrong things Mandy is blackmailed into doing to try and keep the events of that girlie night a secret. NB - The story codes relate to the whole story
A Dan's rememberance Story (4) A young man continues his adventures within his family seeking out the favours of the third sister and finding that sometimes sex is not enough.
Roger Hamstead finds himself on the verge of moral bankruptcy. His daughter seduces him and becomes his lover. But then his 16-year old granddaughter wants him to be her first lover too. Does she succeed? Or does 16-year old Jerry Traynor have that honour? And how deep do the roots of family love really go? This story is marked as Erotica, but could just as easily been labelled as Romantic or Coming of Age. It's also a bit long. For a fast read, this won't be your first choice.
Randy had to give up his weekend to supervise his sister's "sweet sixteen" birthday party. It was a tough job, keeping three teen-age girls entertained, but he managed to rise to the occasion. You'll have to read on to find out how it all happened. The story opens a little slowly, but not quite slow enough to warrant that tag. Once it gets going though, the action is "hard and fast".
Ron goes to visit his sister and her family, only to find that she and her husband were not home. He decides to spend some time with his 14-year-old niece. For anyone looking for story to have meaning other than sex, this is not for you. As with most (all?) of my others, this has no redeeming value.
Following a promotion, a man works so hard that he forgets about caring for his family. His wife says they need a vacation, and he agrees. They let their daughter take along a friend. That's when the trouble begins.
Dad takes Rob and his sister Lee on a two week camping tour of national parks, using a camper on the back of the pickup. Rob figures out that being in the back while they drive gives him a chance to take some pressure off. Lee figures out she might be able to do the same thing and uses his "sleeping" cock to feel good. When it goes off, though, it's not where where she planned. / (Reviews)