Each floor had offices for offices and offices for stamps and offices for stamps required to receive other stamps, offices for stamps that allowed for further documentation and apostilles and offices for documents requiring copies and signatures and verification, verifications of verifications, and, finally, an office requiring perfunctory repetitions of each or any sequence…
BallOdes is a series of unrelated erotic poems, mainly about the male genitalia and the sexual satisfaction derived from the blatant exhibition of same. The title is a play on the words "ballads" and "odes", combining both as "BallOdes", or ballads to balls. These poems are dedicated to those who have them and those who love them: Long may they swing!
This story is a tribute to PacullaAnnia's brilliant parody story, "The Perfect Loving Wives Tale." To borrow PA's words verbatim, this story "...is in response to the true comments of certain critics, as well as being based on the high ratings certain stories get in the 'Loving Wives' category, but any resemblance to real people, alive or dead, is purely embarrassing to those people."