Arms Dealer Chris Schreck is celebrating a successful arms fair with friends at a strip club in Valencia. The girls are from Romania and as they make the inevitable vampire jokes, one of them says she has vampiric boobies. Schreck takes her upstairs and discovers her words were not a joke...
A Character Sketches of Sketchy Characters Story "You know why we cahll heem Crahbbair? Eet eesn't because he wahs raised on a plahtfahrm 70 miles offshahre. Eet's because he uses zat wahtersahw he cahrries to peel ze ahrmour off of cybermercs ahnd tahke whaht he finds eenside. Tahbernahc! - Rogitien La Croix - Union Steward - Longshoreman's Union Chapter 539
3 DD college beauties are travelling across eastern europe when they encounter the undertaker; a man with bizarre sexual fetishes and dominace fixations. All three are plunged into his dungeon games without any sign of rescue or relief.
Stranded when his car dies on the road between Spokane and Seattle, Jacob Foster sets out to walk to the nearest town to get help. Along the way, he starts hearing mysterious footsteps behind him. Ends with a really nice twist.