What happens when woman's car breaks down on the wrong side of the tracks. Reedited, rewritten, and re-imaged from an early story of mine. Kristen wanders into a bar looking for help, see what a racist rich woman can find in ghetto bar.
An ageless vampire meets an unrelenting woman determined to end his existence. It takes courage to spend the night with your equal. She willed him to stay as he fed on her blood and made love to her. A battle of wills ensues. Who will be the victor?
This is a story from the dark side about meeting the wrong person and then trusting them because what's happening feels so good. The story is not pretty but it is hot and erotic in an off center way. This is my first story here and I hope you enjoy.
Hapless Helen has only one 'friend' at college. Everyone, especially guys, shun her even though she is beautiful, smart and has a pleasant personality. But, unbeknownst to Helen, she also has a horrible rep, one created by lies spread about her. This is a dark tale of revenge.
The Vampire Lestat has come out of hiding to fill us in on the missing pieces of Anne Rice's novel, The Vampire Lestat. Lestat's intimate relationship with his immortal mother, Gabrielle and all the particulars of having an Undead Lover. Enter if you dare!