Times are tough at the turn of the 20th Century in the USA, so Aaron is forced to go West to Deadwood where the ground is reputed to be covered with gold just waiting to be picked up. Aaron quickly learns the truth, but manages to survive, and even thrive, in the wilderness of Deadwood, South Dakota, until the big fire. He and his new family decide to head south for Texas. Never did a tenderfoot have to learn the ways of the West so fast! Aaron turns luck and pluck into a winning combination.
A Jacqueline de Belleville Story (3) Summer 1809. Jacqueline de Belleville arrives in Spain on a mission to rescue her sister Julieta from the unwanted attentions of the French army. Trapped behind enemy lines with only randy Spanish guerilla fighters for company, the two sisters must sing and dance, and otherwise entertain, both their friends and their enemies as they try to escape.
My entry for the 2004 'Historical Challenge' on asstr.org. Leif the Lucky mounts an expedition to sail beyond the sunset. With him is Thorfinn Fairhair, an orphan fisher-boy. The Norsemen discover a fair new land and it's strange inhabitants, the Skraelings. For those interested in such things, this story is loosely based on 'Eric the Red's Saga.'
Joe McSwain, 12 years old, and his two sisters/wives travel from South Carolina to settle in the far West of 1813. They come to rest in South Alabama and start a farm and a business raising war dogs. They fight Indians, British invaders, local slavers, and empire builders, but they live and prosper as Joe accumulates more wives. The McSwain household grows to be a force in the lives of everyone in this part of Alabama. Join them as Joe and his dogs force civilization onto the savage country.
This is a time-travel story set in the very old West. There are no six-shooters or rifles. Rather, it is the story of how a college student manages to survive and make his life better, as well as that of his friends. What would you do if you were plopped down in front of some very hostile Indians who were only interested in seeing what your insides looked like? Luckily, our hero was able to survive those first 15 or so minutes. Could you do as well? / (Reviews)
A Kalliste's Storytime tale (8) This covers the earliest days of Rome as an Empire from Kalliste's point of view. Kalliste's version is close to that of Suetonius.
The tale starts at Appomattox and goes to Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and on to Comancheria as one brother tries to find the other after the war. This is a tale of two brothers. As the story advances, the chapters ALTERNATE--Jason chp 1, Jesse chp 2, Jason chp 3, Jesse chp 4 and so on.
It's the 1950s and Rachel is a Jewish housewife who doesn't quite know what to do about the little Shiksa spitfire in her bed, particularly if her husband finds out.
Join Jed Snodgrass as he learns to be a lawman in 1878 Texas. He may be young in years, but he is old enough when it counts. The Texas Ranger recruiter never formally asked his age, so he never formally told it. He has a unique advantage over many other Rangers, he never went to school, so he can't read and write; therefore he doesn't have to fill out that damned paperwork!