At this point in time, Joyce and Mike are down on their luck. But when a friend suggests an approach to restoring their financial security, more happens than just what's in the bank account!
This story is about my second time ever being with a white man and his wife for her first Black Bull experience. It happens at a Christmas party Dawg and his lovely little Mexican wife are throwing.
Lisa is attacked at her new school and enters into a contract with the school to protect herself. After being abandoned and betrayed by her mother she finds herself in a contract she can't get out of. Follow Lisa as she journeys through her life and finds more than she bargained for.
This is now the story that started my career as Black Bull for couples. My best friend and his lovely beautiful tiny little Hispanic wife are my first experience at it.
Allen Gordon has a strange, but mostly settled and content life with a girlfriend, cushy job, and paid-for home, when a bizarre summons from an odd new government agency takes him off-guard and threatens the very genitals that to him define his very manhood itself.
This is an unusual submission. Specifically, a commission made for a customer. While fantasy-based, it's far detached from my other story, Starry Resonance, and contains a plot I wouldn't have really followed on my own otherwise. It was still interesting to write (I attempted a slightly different style of writing), and I'm uploading it here for your enjoyment. The synopsis? A mother and daughter are raped by goblins due to unfortunate circumstances. Enjoy