On paper, the City belongs to the Workers. In reality, the products of their labor accrue to the Party bosses. One night, cannery worker Zoe boards a train, intent on joining the Resistance. She will have to leave everything behind...
A Story in the BBW Appreciation Universe
An invitation to attend a local swingers' club brings satisfaction even though the results are not quite what was expected.
Brenda and Roger are Rick's new tenants. Roger is a new professor at the university where Rick is tenured; and he's an arrogant fop who sports a phony French accent. Brenda is his abused common-law wife. When Rick discovers Brenda's interest in Greek mythology, he encourages her and she writes an erotic version of the myth of the god Zeus who, in the guise of a swan, seduces queen Leda. Rick is drawn in by her story and they end up playing out her fantasy, with disasterous results.
This is story detailing an encounter many years ago with one of my mother's friends and, ultimately, her daughter. It's a true story with some of the detail spiced up.
An English filmmaker and his professorial wife travel to Africa to investigate a legendary tribe. Much sex as we go along, nearly all consensual, and fanciful. Forthcoming chapters will feature bukkake, huge gang bangs with a willing female, lots of oral sex, masturbation, scientific analysis, and all kinds of fun stuff. All completely fictional of course, with no chance at all of anyone mistaking it for real life.
Marie is the perfect little wife. She was well trained by her mother to please her husband in all regards. Now she is bored and wants to expand her universe to other fields of interest. She finds what she is looking for in a quiet little church in the country.