At 15, Justin is seduced by his 32 year old friend and neighbor, Joan. It isn't the orgasms that Justin craves, but the sensuality, the touch of a woman.
Fishing brings about a revelation one day about his wife. He takes it from there and never hurrying, deals with it, bringing his life to a happier time. She was so lucky!
A late return to his office results in a chance meeting between a guy and a surprisingly horny office cleaning girl. The results, right there in his office, are explosive!
A bickering couple agrees to give a ride to a young woman in distress. The young woman ministers to their needs and restores their marriage. All of the action takes place in the front seat of the car.
Nora has felt she was ugly and was therefore hated for her whole life, and she's socially isolated. But her hot sister and sister's (supersexy lesbian) friend plot together to crack Nora's shell. And then, at the pool wearing too-small suits, Nora meets Paul. Smitten, he doesn't see her as flawed, and Nora melts. There's been a bad accident, but that leads to a new life with money, beauty, sex, and love.
This Story is Part of Jake's Universe
Part of the Jake's Universe. This is the 4th Thread... Told from Jake's daughter vantage point. She grows into knowing what she wants. Get acquainted with Jake - Joyfully or with Ganda before you learn about this Jake!