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Freddie Clegg Enterprises —
A Universe from the Mind of Freddie Clegg
Freddie Clegg Enterprises, an international slave trading business, has a long history and a disreputable present.
These tales tell of Freddie's organisation and how it came to be what it is today.
Clegg's white slaving organisation has some problems. Maybe a new marketing manager can help? Follow Larry as he learns about abductions and auctions, finds new clients and helps Clegg's business to collect, train and sell a bevy of helpless damsels in distress.
Before today's Freddie Clegg there were others. After the chaos of the German invasion of Paris in 1940, one man finds himself standing up against the Nazi threat. Oh, yes, and kidnapping women along the way. Freddie Clegg finds his skills in demand for the British war effort.
Freddie Clegg Enterprises are in the slavery business and their customers often have exacting requirements. When one of them decides on a change of lifestyle she discovers a whole new way of looking at life.
Henry Clegg is on the run. Kushtia seems like a safe haven but how will Henry cope with the peculiarities of Kushtian society where women take a subservient role?