Brownwood Collection
A dark romance that has the feel good aspects of a romance but is wrapped up in the pain, anger, and turmoil of two people fighting to rebuild their lives. This story deals with date rape and contains one scene that's not overly graphic, but some might be offended. That chapter is clearly marked.
New beginnings. A new way of doing, of seeing, and of acting. She thought her one chance had slipped through her fingers, but fate lent a hand. He thought he might never see her again, but he was wrong. A tale told from both sides. Romantic Dominance and submission.
Sean and his college girlfriend planned to camp out on a quiet island over the Independence Day weekend, but then she dumped him. Sean went camping anyway. The sheriff's 16-year-old daughter, Maryanne, planned to spend the holiday at a party with her friend's family. But a storm and fate threw them together, naked and trapped by a raging river. / (Reviews)
The time travel story to end all time. Just when you think you have read it all, something comes along that changes it up. Worlds will collide! Your greatest fears lie around every corner. Just when you can predict the future, you would be wrong. Join our PASTaways as they navigate uncharted territory at the Dawn of Time in hopes of finding a way home. At the very least a safehaven. God be with them! He might even tag along. Keep up Old Man!
A Wonders of My World Story (3) Based on a true story! Two things are indisputably true: 1) I took a trip around the world. 2) Alice thought I was having the time of her life. This is the story Alice wanted to hear about my travels through Asia and Europe. Only the names, places, and events have been changed to protect me--I mean, the innocent--and to keep several beautiful women from hunting me down to tell the world I'm a liar! Or worse. There are no cliffhangers.
After an awkward and tense introduction by friends, Jim and Edie fall in love despite their mature status in life. They re-discover their libidos and shift into high gear. Their journey together becomes not only romantic, but also sex-filled and expands to include their friends, associates, and even their families. Re-write with major extension of 2014 story.
The continuing story of Murphy, Meghan and Robby as they take a short trip to a 'nature resort' in their big RV. They wind up buying the place, meeting some very interesting new friends, as well as a surprise meeting of some old friends, along the way. To best understand this story, read 'Murphy'- 1 and 2 first.
A Dryad Story (11) Many will tell you of the mystical quality of trees. Trees, individually and collectively, often have a magical ability to confer calm and refreshment. Return to the Woodland Folk as outsiders encounter them...
A Personalia story Part of the Personalia universe
A story in the world of The Personalia, but only tangentially. It is a crime mystery with a bit of romance; the tale of an ex-soldier becoming a butler to the rich, but he is not just a butler.