Millie's Vast Expanse Offered up for your approval, the life and times of one Elizabeth "Shortcake" Dyer, a woman slight of stature, with an enormous intellect, who pursues retribution with a dogged determination that would make a bulldog proud. A deeply scared woman who never wallowed in self-pity but channeled her rage to helping others. When she ran into brick walls in the pursuit of justice, she manufactured vengeance, for, after all, vengeance has its own sufficiency.
Woman reunites with her man for Valentines Day but she catches him cheating with another lover--a man. She finds solace in the company of a very older gentleman. One who knew Marilyn Monroe intimately.
Jaime is an English cabin boy on a Dutch merchantman in the Caribbean in the early eighteenth century when piracy and sea dueling between the Spanish and English flourished. Jaime was well versed in the duties of a cabin boy, and he didn’t mind doing them too much. He would welcome any master who came through the captain’s cabin door and demanded that he lie on his back.
A Fan Fiction is a Virus Story Yu-Gi-Oh Fan Fiction. All's fair in love and war, and when a God gets bored, the course of true love is anything but smooth. Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh or any of it's related. Nor do I own A Mid-Summer Night's Dream. I am not making nor do I seek to make any financial gain from this. I just wrote a fanfic based on the sources mentioned.
The parents of Kenny, a fourteen-year-old Denver boy, have busy lives and don't give the boy the attention he craves. He could do anything and they wouldn't notice. He has struggled with his sexuality and decided he prefers men. Men, not other boys. He also wants attention and expensive toys, all of which can come together for him if he can get the necessary experience. His scout master, Bob Butler, is more than willing to give him that experience.