A story in the The Human Nexus Universe
This story is a sequel to 'Siobhan' and follows another very small group of survivors of a global disaster. It is not meant to stand alone, but my editors tell me that it does. The cast list is at the start by reader request. Feel free to skip it. (The series was inspired by the writings of and discussions with Vincent Berg, aka Crumbly Writer.)
An unusual farm girl discovers passion from an unexpected direction. This is a relatively old story, in fact the first I felt good enough about to show to others.
A New Arcadia Story (1) George finds that the nudist resort he's visiting is actually an academy of higher sex education. On his arrival, he's jacked off by a teenage girl under the tutelage of her mother and by evening, he's asleep in bed with another teenager and her mother after balling them both. Four orgasms in seven hours, and the fun is just beginning...
A virginal sixteen year old high school senior travels to Washington, D.C. with some of her classmates for the annual senior class trip. Her horizons are broadened significantly. / (Reviews)
A Story in the Naked In School Universe
Two painfully shy teens, partners in a magic act, are chosen for The Program the week of the school talent show. So are other performers. Coincidence?
A Sea Cruise Story (2) Join Ted and the girls of the Sunrise as they celebrate Christmas in their unique way.
Ted has to work on Christmas, but he'll still have presents to unwrap!
Two porno authors meet in Texas and take turns blackmailing each other. Some pf their story characters show up to join in on the fun. Non-stop lesbian action.