Summer of Fun - Cover

Summer of Fun

by GinaB33

Copyright© 2019 by GinaB33

Fiction Sex Story: Two families rent cabins at a private lake. The teenagers discover the parent's secret and begin having some sexual fun themselves.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Brother   Sister   Daughter   Group Sex   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   .

A note to my readers: I have once again set this story in the sixties prior to the internet and cell phones robbing teenagers of their naïveté.

I didn’t want to go, and neither did my brother, Josh. Every summer, we’d go to either Galveston or Corpus, and we always looked forward to it. This year however, our parents wanted to rent cabins out in the woods at a small private lake two hours from where we lived.

This was going to be the worst vacation ever. After all, what could we possibly do for two weeks with just each other to interact with? Hell, we could do that at home.

Our protests were overruled. “Besides, some friends of ours are going to be in the next cabin, and they have kids your age—two boys and a girl.”

“Probably dorks or nerds.” Josh said to me when we were out of our parent’s earshot. “I’m going to pack my fishing gear.”

My brother was very popular at school. He was tall, good looking, and the quarterback of the junior high football team. Even at fourteen, girls swooned over him even though he paid them little or no attention.

I was a year and a half older than him, but I didn’t have his good looks. I had long dark hair and blue eyes, but my face was very plain. If it hadn’t been for my DD cup boobs on my slender frame, I wouldn’t have gotten noticed by the boys at all. As it was, that’s all they cared about. I don’t remember getting kissed by a boy even once without having to pull his hand off one of my boobs.

Day One

When Dad parked our station wagon in front of the small cabin, the Burk’s car was already parked in front of the second cabin about a hundred yards away. We were barely parked before two shirtless boys ran up and began helping us carry our things inside.

Wayne and Jeff seemed nice enough. They were seventeen and fifteen respectively, both tanned and fit. When our car was unpacked, they said goodbye and sprinted back to their own cabin. Josh showed me a grin, “This might not be so bad after all.”

Just as it was getting dark, the Burks, Al and Wendy came over to our cabin. My mom told Josh and I, “We’re going to play some cards.”

And then Mr. Burk said, “The boys are building a fire, so you kids can roast marshmallows and hot dogs ... Oh, and they have some beer on ice.”

My eyes shot straight to Mom, but she just shrugged and said, “Don’t overdo it, and don’t go near the water after drinking.”

Wow! That was definitely a first. When I looked at Josh, his expression told me he was blown away as well. After all, neither of us had tasted beer, but some of my friends at school had, and most of them said it was yucky.

When I first met Gina, I found her to be an absolute joy. She was a petite girl, bubbly and vivacious. Josh couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was about my height at five six, but she wasn’t as skinny. She had shoulder-length blond hair, blue eyes, and a very cute face, but that wasn’t what captivated Josh’s attention. She was wearing a sheer white silk tank top, and it was blatantly obvious that her smallish tits weren’t constrained by a bra.

Wayne carried out a small folding table, and Jeff loaded it up with weenies, hot dog buns, marshmallows, and condiments.

My first taste of beer confirmed the “yucky” factor. The others didn’t let on, and they drank it like they loved the taste ... even Josh. So, not wanting to come across as a stick in the mud, I forced myself to keep sipping it.

No sooner had we started cooking hot dogs than the dirty jokes started. I didn’t consider myself to be a total prude, but I’d never heard such language used in mixed company. I chalked that up to us being from a fairly small town and them living in Dallas.

Gina told what was, at least in my mind, the dirtiest yet funniest joke of the evening. It was about a teenage boy who got a part-time summer job helping a mortician. At one point, he went to his boss and said, “That woman back there has a shrimp sticking out of her pussy.” The mortician followed the teenager into the back room, “See, just like I said, there’s a shrimp sticking out of her pussy.” The mortician rolled his eyes and chuckled, “That’s no shrimp, you idiot. That’s her clitoris. Granted, it’s larger than most, but it’s a clitoris—not a shrimp.” The teenager shrugged and said, “Well, it sure tasted like shrimp.”

It was gross, but I laughed until my sides hurt.

Day Two

The following day was filed with bombshells—the least of which was when Gina told me, “My girls need some sun. Are you up for that?”

The boys were fishing no more than fifty yards away. “Here? Now? No way!”

Gina giggled, “If you’re that shy, we can go where our brothers can’t see us.”

“Okay, but where?”

She shrugged, “I don’t know, but I’m sure we can find a place.”

Thirty minutes later, we had on our swimsuits. We had our air mattresses aired up using a bicycle pump and were paddling away, headed for a place around the bend in the lake out of our brother’s eyesight.

My brother’s eyes were bugging out of his head when he saw Gina in her tiny little nothing of a bikini. Of course, my swimsuit was not even close to that daring. It was a two-piece, but very conservative. It was so conservative; it couldn’t even be called a bikini.

We were no sooner out of the eyesight of the boys before Gina had her top off. Judging by the tan on her perky smallish boobs, I surmised that this wasn’t the first time she’d been in the sun topless. After scanning around in every direction, I finally took off my top.

“Wow! Nice tits!” She said to me.

I felt my face flush, “Uh, thanks.”

“They’re so pale; you need to be careful not to burn them.” She showed me a bottle of suntan lotion, “I can help you with this if you want.”

I’m sure my blush got even more pronounced. I took the bottle from her hand, “Thanks, but I can do it.”

Gina laughed, “Girl, you really need to loosen up. I’m not trying to go all lesbo on you.”

We were both lying on our backs just enjoying the sun when I thought I heard voices off in the distance--laughter. The natural current of the water had caused us to drift farther down the small lake maybe as much as a half mile away from where our brothers were fishing, so I knew it couldn’t be them I heard.

When I brought the voices to Gina’s attention, she started paddling her plastic raft toward the shore, “Let’s go see who it is.”

When we pulled our rafts out of the water onto the small strip of beach, I immediately began putting my top back on. Gina just giggled and shook her head and showed me a condescending look. She left her tiny bikini top on her raft and we made our way slowly around the bend.

What I saw a couple of minutes later blew me away big time. There was another cabin. It was much larger than ours, and it looked like someone might live there perminately. It had an outdoor grill, a picnic table, a volleyball net in the water, and six lounge chairs lined up in the sand near the water.

There were three totally naked men standing near the grill, one of which was my dad. And there were three totally naked women lying in the lounge chairs, one of which was my mom. Al and Wendy Burk were also there, along with another couple I didn’t know.

“Oh my God!” I said to Gina in little more than a whisper.

Gina giggled, “I guess now we know why our parents wanted to spend their vacation out here. Do you think they’re going to have an orgy later?”

The mere suggestion shocked me, “No way!” And then the realization hit me; I never would have guessed that my ultra conservative parents would ever go naked in front of other people, so what else do they do that I’d never dreamed they would? So I revised my response, “At least I don’t think they would do that. We should go.”

When Gina started backing up, I thought she was going to leave with me, but then she knelt down and began crawling up through the trees. It was mostly sandy, but there were scattered weeds and fallen limbs. I fought the urge to leave. I just couldn’t force myself to leave her there by herself, so I got on my knees and followed her.

We crawled through the trees and weeds until we reached a fallen tree no more than fifty yards from where our parents and the other couple were. We peeked over the fallen tree and between the limbs. We were so close; we could actually hear what they were saying.

The thing that struck me odd was that their conversation was normal. It was as if they weren’t all naked. That changed about ten minutes later when my mother asked Wendy Burk, “Do you think we should go check on the kids?”

To which, Mrs. Burk responded, “Nah, Wayne is there. He’ll know what to do if anything bad happens. I left the keys in our car just in case.”

“I told Bev and Josh not to expect us until late.”

That made me think back to what Mom told us, “We have somewhere to go. You’ll probably be asleep when we get back. Just be careful and don’t drink too much.”

Mrs. Burk sighed, “Ah to be young again. I can’t help but wonder what they’re up to.”

Mom chuckled, “Hopefully not as much as I’d be up to at Bev’s age—especially out at a lake with two good-looking boys like Wayne and Jeff.”

The woman I didn’t know asked, “How old is she?”


“You do have her on the pill, don’t you?”

Mom laughed loudly, “Of course. I didn’t want to take a chance that she’d take after me. I don’t think she would, but it’s not worth the risk.”

Mrs. Burk asked Mom, “Started early, did you?”

Mom chuckled, “Oh yeah. By the time I was Bev’s age, I already had a lot of experience. Knowing what I know now, I only wish I could go back and do it again.”

The other two women both laughed, and the third woman, who I decided to call Mrs. X, said “No Shit! If I’d known then what I know now; I’d have fucked and sucked every boy in high school.”

I was blown away when my mom replied, “Hell, I almost did.”

Mrs. Burk then said, “Hell, compared to the two of you, I got a late start. I was seventeen when I gave it up, but I’ve been trying to make up for lost time ever since.” And then she added, “If I’m reading my daughter right, she’s not going to wait as long as I did.”

That caused Gina to let out a quiet giggle. And then she turned her head to me and whispered, “She’s right about that.”

I was mildly shocked, so I whispered, “You haven’t ... have you?”

She giggled again, “Not yet, but Josh might just get lucky this week.”

And then my mom said, “Bev is really quiet and reserved, so I think she’ll wait. It’s not like I can tell her she shouldn’t.”

Mrs. X replied, “Why? You can’t talk to her about it—tell her it’s okay to go for it?”

Mom shook her head, “No, we just don’t talk about it.”

I was still trying to process the whole conversation when I saw my dad returning from our car. He had his movie camera, and he immediately started filming the three naked women.

When Mrs. Burk saw him, she laughed, stood up, and said, “Hell, if you’re making a movie, we can do better than just laying out here naked.” And with that, she extended a hand to Mrs. X, helped her to her feet, and immediately embraced her in a full body hug. In the next instant, they were kissing passionately and running their hands over each other’s bodies.

My jaw dropped when Mom got to her feet and joined them. The next thing I knew, both of the other women were feeling Mom up and taking turns kissing her.

While her hand was on one of Mom’s large boobs, Mrs. Burk said, “Bev takes after you in this department. I’ll bet she keeps Josh hard all the time.”

Mom let out a laugh, “Nah, I don’t think so. She’s very laid back and conservative.”

Gina whispered to me, “She’s right. You’re a borderline prude.”

Mrs. Burk laughed, “Hell, if I’d had tits like hers, I’d have kept every dick in school hard twenty-four-seven.”

Mom let out a loud sigh, “I just don’t think she realizes the power she has.”

Gina whispered to me, “You do have awesome tits, you know?”

And then Mrs. Burke said, “Hell, it’s probably a good thing Gina doesn’t have Bev’s tits. She’d have a line of boys waiting outside our door twenty-four-seven wanting to take her out in hopes of getting at them.”

Gina giggled quietly again, “She knows me too well.” And then she shocked me by adding, “By the way, your dad has a nice dick.”

Honestly, I’d been purposefully avoiding looking at it, but when she said that, I had to. As he was walking back and forth in a semi-circle around our moms and the other woman, his dick was swinging from side to side. I couldn’t really see the dicks of the other two men who were tending the grill, so I had nothing to compare it to. It did look inviting though. I mentally scolded myself for looking at it.

That brought me back to reality, “Stay if you want, but I’m leaving.” And I immediately began crawling back to the narrow beach. When I was getting on my raft, Gina was right behind me.

During our paddle back, Gina let out a loud giggle. “What?” I asked her.

“Your mom thinks you’re a little goodie two shoes. Mine knows I’m not.”

I knew she was right, but I had no idea how I was supposed to feel about that.

She didn’t put her bikini top back on until we were rounding the last turn to where our brothers were.

When we got back to where the boys were, I saw Gina whisper something to Wayne. He immediately stood up and asked Josh if he’d like to go with him. Josh agreed and followed him to their car. The next thing I knew, they were driving off toward the main road.

It was almost thirty minutes later when they returned. Josh immediately began draining the water out of the ice chest, and Wayne dumped a fresh bag of ice into it. I didn’t really know what was happening when Gina went to the ice chest and filled two plastic cups with ice and then disappeared into their cabin.

When she returned, she handed me one of the cups, “Here, this doesn’t taste as bad as beer and it works a lot quicker.”

I took a tentative sip. It burned my tongue and throat, causing me to cough. “What is it?”

She laughed, “Whiskey and Coke. Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it soon enough.”

I had to admit; it didn’t taste as bad as the beer, so I took another sip. By the time I had finished half of it, it wasn’t making me cough anymore, and my nerves were all tingling.

That’s when Gina said, “C’mon. We need to wash the lake water off.”

I hadn’t had a shower since we arrived, and for good reason. The shower was outside behind the cabin, and the shower stall was made of wooden planks. The problem was that the planks had huge gaps between them, so it was anything but private, especially because it had no door—just three walls.

Even though the sun was almost completely down, it was still light outside. “What if the boys peek?”

Gina laughed, “What if they do?” And then she shocked me by yelling to them, “We’re going to take a shower. Don’t you dare peek.”

“Gina! Now they’re going to peek for sure.”

She just giggled and handed me the bar of soap and a bottle of shampoo. Then she flung two towels over her shoulder, “C’mon.”

While we were waiting for the water to heat up, Gina stripped off her bikini and just stood there. “What are you waiting for?”

“Uh ... the water isn’t hot yet.” I looked around to see if anyone was looking, and then I took off my swimsuit. I felt really exposed, so I didn’t wait for the water to get fully hot before stepping in to the shower stall.

When I had the shampoo on my head and was rubbing it into my hair, I felt Gina’s hands on my boobs, “What the... ?” But she kept kneading them with her fingers.

She giggled, “I’ve wanted to do this ever since you got here. Yours are firmer and heavier than mine. I’m really, really jealous. A few seconds later, her hands were gone, so I rinsed my hair. When I was finished, she said, “You can feel mine if you want.”

I shook my head, “No, I’m good.”

“Bullshit! Give me your hands.” I didn’t move, so she grabbed both of my hands and pulled them to her boobs. She was right. Her boobs were obviously smaller, but they weren’t as firm as mine either.

After drying off, I put on my swimsuit, but Gina didn’t. She just said, “C’mon” and I followed her around the cabin and inside. I watched her put on her panties and shorts and t-shirt. And then she followed me up to our cabin.

I’d just put on my panties and shorts and reached for my bra when she snatched it out of my hands, “Hell no. You don’t need this. It’s just our brothers.”

My mind and body were still tingling from the drink, so I went along and just pulled on my tank top. Even before leaving the cabin, I felt very naughty and exposed. My nipples were hard and poking out noticeably through the thin fabric of my tank.

The boys had given up fishing and were just horsing around in the lake. Gina fixed us each another drink, so we sat on a large log and sipped our drinks while watching our brothers.

She let out a silly giggle, “I can’t wait to see their reaction when they see you without a bra.”

I chuckled, “Yeah, Josh too.”

Gina snapped her head around and showed me a shocked expression, “Your brother has never seen you without a bra?”

When I just shook my head, she let out a wild laugh, “This is going to be fun.”

“Your brothers have seen you without a bra—even before this trip, I mean?”

“Of course. I almost never wear one. Hell, they’ve both seen my boobs plenty of times.”

“Really? You mean without a top?”

She rolled her eyes, “Yes really, and yes without a shirt. The first time was a surprise. I was just wrestling around with Jeff, but when I stood up, Wayne snuck up behind me and yanked my t-shirt up. He pinned my arms behind my back so I couldn’t pull my shirt down. Of course, I just had little bumps back then. After that, Wayne teased me all the time about, in his words, my itty bitty titties. So when they started to grow for real, I’d show them how much they’d grown. I did that every couple of months till they stopped growing.”

“Wow! I can’t imagine doing that.”

“Bev, I meant what I said earlier.”

I didn’t know what she was talking about, so I asked, “About what?”

“That I’m really, really jealous of your boobs. Hell, if I had your boobs, I’d show them off all the time.”

I couldn’t believe we were having this conversation. “There’s nothing wrong with your boobs. They fit your body nicely. Mine are too big for my body.”

“That’s what makes them awesome. If your body was bigger, they wouldn’t have the same affect.”

I was just finishing my drink when the boys came out of the water. I had a great buzz and it was a good thing because they blatantly gawked at my boobs. Josh was a little more discrete, but not much.

A few minutes later, the boys started up the fire. Gina and I went inside to get the hotdogs and condiments. We were barely inside the cabin when Gina started laughing. “Did you see the looks on their faces?”

“How could I miss it? They weren’t even trying to hide it. It’s a good thing I had that second drink. Otherwise, I probably would have run to get out of their sight.”

“Do you need another one?”

I shook my head, “Not now—maybe later when my buzz starts to wear off.”

“Okay, just let me know when. And just so you know, I thought you did great. You didn’t try to cover up or anything.”

“Trust me; I wanted to.”

The whole time we were cooking and eating, the boys all kept staring at my boobs. Gina didn’t help by almost constantly giggling. Finally, she really embarrassed me by telling them, “Gezzz guys. Give her boobs a rest before you go blind.”

Wayne spoke up, “Hell, we can’t see anything she isn’t showing. Besides, she has awesome tits.” Jeff was quick to agree. Fortunately for Josh, he kept his mouth shut.

I turned to Gina and said, “I’ll take that drink now.” She giggled and went into the cabin without comment. When she returned and handed me the cup, I immediately gulped down about a third of its contents.

The boys all popped open beers, and then Gina turned to the boys and announced, “It’s Truth or Dare time.” When she turned back to me, she said, “We play it a little different than most people. When you’re called on, you automatically get one Truth and then one Dare.

Wayne, being the oldest was first. He called on Josh, “What’s the farthest you’ve gone with a girl?”

My brother’s face turned instantly red, “Just friendly kissing—nothing serious.”

Wayne chuckled, “Friendly, huh? Well that’s about to change. I dare you to go over and give Gina a long French kiss.”

My shy brother hesitated until Gina stood up and crooked her finger at him. Finally, he got up and walked over to her. She didn’t wait for him to initiate the kiss. Instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck and moved in for, what turned out to be a passionate kiss that lasted well over a minute before she broke it off and sat back down. Everyone applauded—even me.

Gina looked my way, “He needs a lot of practice, but he’s not a terrible kisser. I’ve had a lot worse.”

Josh called on Gina, “How far have you gone with a boy?”

Gina didn’t hesitate, “I’ve let a couple of boys feel me up, and I’ve given two blowjobs ... one each to two different boys.”

Josh seemed to be trying to think of a good Dare, but he finally blurted out, “I dare you to show me your tits.”

“Josh!” I exclaimed in a scolding tone, but Gina was already standing up. She walked over to him boldly and pulled up the front of her t-shirt. I was speechless. I could tell by the look on his face that my brother didn’t think she would do it. His jaw was agape and his eyes were bugging out. After about ten seconds, she lowered her shirt and then went back and sat down.

I took another big gulp of my drink. If that’s the direction the game was going in, I knew I’d need as much alcohol as possible. And sure enough, Gina called on me. “How far have you gone with a boy?”

“French kissing.”

“Okay, I dare you to show the boys your boobs for fifteen seconds.”

Actually, her Dare didn’t surprise me. When she showed Josh her boobs so boldly, I had a feeling my time was coming. I just wished I’d had time to consume more of my drink. I took another big gulp and sat the cup down. I knew if I thought about it, I’d chicken out, so I stood up and yanked the front of my tank up far enough to cover my eyes. There was no way I wanted to see their faces.

There were several appreciative comments like “Awesome” and “Gorgeous” and “Holy Shit!” Gina was laughing and clapping.

When I lowered my tank top and sat back down, I immediately called on Wayne, “How far have you gone with a girl?”

He chuckled, “I’ve had sex with two girls—not at the same time.”

I wanted to get even with Gina for making me show my boobs, so I said, “I dare you to French kiss Gina for one minute.”

I really thought Gina would protest, but she just giggled and stood up. Wayne didn’t hesitate either. He stepped right up and began kissing his younger sister. I was blown away.

When they broke their kiss, Gina fanned her face with her hand, “Whew!”

Wayne called on Jeff, “What did you tell me last night after Bev and Josh went to their cabin?”

Jeff laughed, “I said I’d give anything to spend ten minutes alone with her bodacious ta tas.”

Gina laughed and said to me, “That’s true. I heard him say it.”

Wayne didn’t hesitate, “I dare you to walk over and show the girls that big dick of yours.”

I gasped and threw my hand to my chest. I’d never seen a dick up close, only my dad’s earlier. I quickly gulped down the last of my drink and handed the empty cup to Gina, “One more please.”

“Okay, but after Josh does his Dare. I’ve seen it in his underwear, but never right out in the open.”

She’d no sooner finished that sentence than Jeff was standing in front of us. He immediately pulled his swimsuit down to his knees. My God! I didn’t have anything to compare it to, but I knew it was huge. It was hard and twitching, and it was awesome to look at. Gina let out an appreciative “Wow!”

Before pulling his swimsuit back up, Jeff moved his hips back and forth, causing his hard dick to swing from left to right. When he sat back down, Jeff immediately called on Josh, “On average, how many times a day to you jerk off?”

Gina was almost to the door of the cabin, but she paused long enough to hear Josh say, “On average, probably three or four times a day.”

His answer surprised me a little. I knew he spent an inordinate amount of time in the bathroom, but I never really thought about what he was doing in there.

Jeff waited for Gina to return and hand me a fresh drink before saying, “I dare you to do what I just did. Show the girls your dick.”

Wow! Josh’s face turned the brightest shade of red I’d ever seen, but to his credit, he didn’t chicken out. He stepped up in front of us and pulled down his swimsuit. His dick was hard also--not nearly as big as Jeff’s, but it was still beautiful and impressive.

Josh was quick to call on Gina. “How often do you masturbate?”

She giggled, “Four or five times a week.”

“I dare you to show us your pussy.”

“Josh!” I scolded him.

“Hey, I had to show you two my dick. Turn about is fair play.”

To my amazement, Gina was already on her feet and pulling down her shorts and panties. “Come closer.” My brother ordered her. So she hobbled over to him as best she could with her shorts around her ankles.

Of course, I already knew she kept her pubic hair trimmed very short. “Awesome!” Josh exclaimed, which caused Gina to let out a giggle. She must have stood in front of him for half a minute before stepping to her right so her brothers could see. Another half minute passed before she pulled her shorts and panties back up.

When she saw me get up, she asked me, “Where do you think you’re going?”

“I have to go pee. I’ll be right back.”

“No, wait until I finish my turn. I call on you. How often do you whack off?”

I shrugged, “Usually a couple of times a week.”

“I dare you to squat beside the fire facing the boys and pee. Jeff, hand her some napkins off the table.”

“No way! Really? Why can’t I just show them my pubes like you did?”

Wayne spoke up, “You have to do it, or you’re out of the game.”

Again, I was very thankful for the alcohol. I took a big gulp from the cup and sat it down. Then I did what I was dared to do. I walked over to the fire facing the boys, pulled down my shorts and panties and squatted. It wasn’t easy getting my pee started with three boys watching me, but I finally managed. It took nearly half a minute for me to finish and dry myself. Then I tossed the napkins into the fire and pulled my shorts and panties back up. “Satisfied?” I asked Gina in a sarcastic tone. She just giggled.

“Wayne, how often do you jerk off?”

“Probably three times a day.”

“We haven’t seen your dick yet, so I dare you to show it to us.”

“Oh goodie.” Gina said with another giggle.

A few seconds later, Wayne was standing in front of us with his swimsuit down to his knees. He was also hard. His dick was a little bigger than Josh’s but still nowhere close to as big as Jeff’s.

When he returned to his seat, he immediately called on me, “How many dicks have you seen in your life?”

I chuckled, “Four now.”

“Okay, I dare you to take your top off and leave it off for the remainder of the game.”

Gina snickered, “I knew that was coming. I just didn’t know when.”

I showed him a scowl, “I don’t think that’s fair. No one else has had to do something for that long.”

He shot back, “You’ve had plenty of chances to dare someone. I can’t help it if you didn’t take advantage of it.”

Gina said, “Oh go on and do it. They’ve already seen your tits anyway. And just to show you I won’t dare you to do something I won’t do myself. I’ll show you.” And with that, she stood up and got some napkins off the table. A few seconds later, she was squatting by the fire and peeing.

The boys all clapped, so I said “What the hell,” and pulled off my tank top. “Gina, how many dicks have you touched?”

She showed me a smirk, “Two—no three.”

“Okay, I dare you to get totally naked for the rest of the game.”

She just rolled her eyes, “I thought you’d never ask.” And she immediately stripped off her shorts, panties and t-shirt. She put them on the tree trunk and sat on them to keep the bark from scratching her butt.

And then she asked her brother, “Wayne, how many times have you jerked off today?”


“Then get naked and come over here and show us how you do it.”

That caused Josh and Jeff to laugh, so Wayne shot his head around to them and said, “Just wait. Your time is coming.”

I asked just loud enough for her to hear, “Have you seen him do it before?”

She shook her head and showed me a naughty grin.

That was an awesome thing to watch, especially when he began shooting his cum into the air. When he was finished, he used a napkin to clean his hand and the end of his dick.

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