Sometimes the girl is the aggressor. But not this time. Carrie wants to stay on the Cheerleading Squad. Dr. Wild can give her a failing grade in math, but won't, if only she would...
In the aftermath of a devastating apartment fire, Jayde finds solace in the virtual realm of Nirvaliseria, introduced by her sister Emily. Transformed into the formidable Azure Kat, Jayde joins Emily known as Steel Seraph in the Pixelpact Union, which is a player Guild. Together, they embark on daring adventures within the digital landscape, unraveling mysteries and confronting perilous foes. Their journey takes a courageous turn as they dismantle a sinister slaver organization, revealing the tr
John returns as a counselor at a summer camp for teen girls. It's a special camp, with a very liberal idea of summer activities. His co-counselor this year is a camper from previous years. They teach four young teens all the things they didn't learn in sex-ed.
Sandra was a tomboy and liked to dress like a boy. She was adopted and just turned fourteen years old. Things were looking good for Sandra until her two elder sisters thought now that she is getting older she needs to be more submissive.
Waiting for his train, a blond woman sits across from John in the train station diner. John can't help but imagine her asking him to take her right then and there.