A story in the Movie Girls Universe
After catching her mom blowing the grocery delivery boy, seventeen year-old Symphony decides to film sexual events with her home camera. She decides to film herself and the foreman of her dad's lumberyard together one day, but she is tricked and is raped by every man at the lumberyard. When her dad sees the tape he decides that between his daughter and wife, he can have all the fun he ever wants and his wife and daughter agree.
13-year-old Amy Torch is a bratty little slut - in her father's opinion, at least. This conviction mixes with alcohol and anger one terrible night, leading him to commit an act that will forever change both his life and hers.
A Wes & Les Story (3) You remember Nancy from Wes & Les and Leslie. The candy striper who likes girls? Well, this is her story. A Wes & Les story. / (Reviews)
A Three dimensions story (2) 16-year old Cray was visiting his Dad and stepmom in Germany when 18-year old Suzie showed up. She got a look at him through a keyhole and he was a virgin no more.