Carried Away in Vegas - Cover

Carried Away in Vegas

by jack tar

Copyright© 2024 by jack tar

Erotica Sex Story: child free couple went to Vegas on a whim looking to enjoy their freedom and ended up with the wife going wild.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   True Story   Cheating   Cuckold   Slut Wife   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   .

Here in England the last Covid restrictions were finally gone. Just like everyone else it had been a long two years for us as well. My name is Ellie. Between home schooling, work at home, and all the restrictions, our eight year old daughter was thrilled when we told her she could go to Orlando with her grandparents for two weeks during summer break. Being truthful, we were ready for a break from her. She is adorable and well behaved but as you all know, being stuck in the house for two years has frazzled everyone.

Friday we packed her up and sent her with her grandparents. We said our goodbyes and then headed into the house. We looked at each other with elation.

“Oh my god,” I said. “We’re alone”

My husband Dan laughed, “maybe life will finally get back to normal.”

“I don’t think I even know what normal is anymore,” I replied.

“We’ll, we’re alone,” Dan commented looking around.

“That we are,” I replied.

“Well, what should we do?” He asked teasingly.

“Hmmm, got me,” I teased back.

“Race ya,” he laughed and sped off to the bedroom.

Not to be beat I grabbed him by the waist of his shorts and pulled back. You could hear the elastic waistband rip as he lunged forward and I pulled.

“Hey,” he laughed, while I ran ahead of him and he tried to keep his shorts from falling down.

I launched myself on the bed. Fully clothed I spread out my arms and legs to cover as much bed as possible.

He entered the bedroom and scoffed. Then he knelt on the bottom edge of the bed and crawled up over me. When he reached my face he gave me a short kiss.

“I love you,” he said.

I wrapped my arms around his neck put my mouth to his ear and said as sexy as I could, “I haven’t shaved my legs.”

He laughed. It wasn’t really too bad as I had shaved them two days ago, but it was funny at the time.

He knelt up on the bed and pulled his shirt off.

“Well,” he laughed. “Maybe I’ll have to punish you.”

“Punish me? Punish me?” I hooted. He had never punished me. It was just something he said sometimes as a joke. I briefly wondered what he might really do if he were to punish me.

He moved off me and started to pull my yoga pants down. I lifted my hips to help him. He climbed between my legs and lowered his face to start kissing me. I felt him reach down to guide his cock into me. He entered me and slowly started thrusting.

I remember it felt good. We usually made love in this position, loving, and tenderly. We’d tried other positions, me on top, doggy style, I admit I liked them, but Dan always seemed to gravitate back to nice, steady, missionary. I did find it exciting doing it in the middle of the day, I couldn’t remember a time we did it during the day. Sometimes, when I was alone during the day, I read or watched porn. I’m pretty sure Dan would have been shocked by what I read. I loved reading about women being complete sluts. Being used forcefully. I laughed if Dan only knew.

After sex we fell back into our routine. Our, during Covid, routine. Here we were without kids, could do anything and we were sitting around the house in sweats. On Monday I’d had enough. “Let’s do something wild,” I said.

“Wild?” asked Dan. “How wild?”

“I don’t know, maybe take a trip,” I suggested.

“Where would we go?” he asked.

I was kind of hoping that he would come up with something and take control, but I guessed not.

We were in looking for new places to go as we were kid free I thought about all the places we could go, and then it hit me. “Let’s go to Vegas,” I suggested.

“Vegas?” he looked surprised. Well I had seen a documentary about Vegas and all the shows there and thought just what we need

I didn’t blame him as it was a left field suggestion. We lived a pretty sedate lifestyle. College sweethearts. He was a year ahead of me. We didn’t do frat parties, didn’t really travel. We were married when I was 23. I was now 33. Neither of us had ever been to the USA never mind Vegas. As our daughter was now in Florida so lets do it

“Sure, it’s long distance, we don’t have to gamble, we can check out the sights and maybe see a show or two,” I explained. “ after all, shouldn’t we go once in our lives,” I reasoned. Lets go wild while we can.

“Do you think we could get a hotel at this late date?” he worried.

“Probably,” I answered. “After all, last minute bookings might be cheaper”

“Ok, Vegas it is,” he agreed. He didn’t sound convinced.

I immediately started researching. Obviously we wanted to be on the strip, but what hotel catered to people our age?

Well it seemed we were the prime age for Vegas so the question was what were we looking for in a hotel. For fun I searched ‘best party hotel in Vegas’ just for fun. Wow, price shock, but I figured we hadn’t spent anything during Covid so what the hell.

I settled on the Cosmopolitan. There were pools, a club, restaurants, bars, we’d never have to leave except maybe for a show. Sounded fun.

Next I wondered what to wear. Thank god for the internet, I would not have brought the right clothes.

I told Dan the plans and told him we had to go shopping. I love shopping even though I haven’t really bought anything but mum clothes for a while. Lucky for me through hard work, especially through Covid, I kept my figure. At 5’7” and figure pretty much everything looked good on me.

Dan was not an avid shopper, but he knew I liked it so he didn’t mind going with me. Truthfully he had an eye for what looked good on me and what didn’t. He typically liked me in dresses and skirts and would often help me pick out clothes before the pandemic hit.

He also kept in shape and liked to dress up. Secretly I think he was looking forward to upgrading his wardrobe also.

First we hit the shops for me looking for cocktail wear for evenings and something for day wear. I was looking for a few dresses. Something I would never normally wear. Something to really surprise Dan. Something a bit sexier than the suburban housewife would wear.

There was a little boutique downtown I thought would be perfect. We headed there. As we walked in, a very pretty clerk, somewhere in her mid twenties, offered to help us. I told her where I was going and what I was looking for.

“I think I have some things that will be perfect for you,” she said.

She started with evening wear. First was an above the knee sheath dress. On the side it had a slit that rose almost to my hip. The dress hugged and accentuate every curve I had. That also meant my underwear was plainly visible through the dress. I went into the dressing room and removed my bra, a little better but still panty lines.

“I would suggest you wear a G-string with that,” suggested the clerk.

“I’m a mum,” I laughed. “I don’t own a G-string anymore.”

She brought over a little black piece of material.

“This is underwear?” I asked. I mean, when I was younger I’d worn thongs and tiny panties, but these weren’t even that. With Covid I usually wore sweats or yoga pants around the house and but barely bothered with underwear. I held it up and showed it to Dan.

“Works for me,” he said.

The assistant looked around the store, then grabbed the hem of her skirt and pulled it up to her waist. and said It was clearly underwear. I looked at the shocked look on Dan’s face, laughed and said ok.

Then Dan saw a dress he liked. It was a short red dress with a plunging neckline, practically no back, and a bold gold zipper in the back that was about the length of my ass. I tried it on. It was really flattering and really something I would never wear around my other school mums. It was perfect. Again, still no bra. I thought about shoes and realized I had the heels I needed.

Then I needed some daytime dresses. Something light, sundresses. I bought three. They were short, flirty, and dangerous on a windy day, but I looked good in them.

I was hoping we’d get to one of the pool parties I read about so I needed a swim wear. The young sales girl led me to a little red thong costume with gold chain on the sides and another holding the cups together. I held it up and looked at Dan.

“What do you think?” I asked.

“Get it babe, everyone will be jealous of me,” he replied. “They’ll wonder what such a hot babe was doing with a guy like me.”

“You won’t mind all those men staring at my arse?” I asked.

“Hell no,” he replied. “That arse was meant for showing off.”

The reality was that Dan is no slouch in the looks department and we look like we belong together.

Having bought stuff for me, we needed to get Dan clothes. Unfortunately in our town there were no men’s shops. We figured the next day we’d go to the city and find something.

We looked online and found a great menswear store about twenty minutes away. The store was perfect and had everything Dan needed. We were going to be one stylish as hell couple in Vegas if a bit full on. On the way home we laughed at how much we’d spent and hadn’t even left England yet.

We left England on Monday and had a two night stay in Miami where the first day we slept a lot Tuesday we saw the sights and all the beautiful people at the beach making me feel insecure seeing women barely covered tanned and sexy I felt plain and mumsy again but Dan assured me I looked great in my summer dress with great legs and tits to die for. My confidence restored and further improved by two big muscular men eyeing me up and obviously talking about me as we passed them. Friday morning Vegas and timed it to arrive just around check in. Our plan was to stay Friday and Saturday night, return Sunday direct to the UK.

The hotel was beautiful, noisy but beautiful. I don’t think I was really prepared for the amount of activity in the casino. I was kind of overwhelmed but excited, I could feel the fun vibe.

We got in the queue to check in. There was a group of men in front of us. From the look of them, five friends all around our age. One turned and saw me, a pretty woman, standing behind him and said hi. We chatted for a minute and as we did his friends started to notice me as well. In a minute I was engaged in conversation with five men. In no time I found out they were five friends from outside of some place called Charlotte. They were there for the weekend celebrating two of the friends’ 30th birthdays.

We chatted till it was our turns to check in. Check in went fine and after we checked in we went to the ticket counter and bought tickets to the 9 pm show at the hotel. With that done we headed for the elevator.

“Hold the elevator please,” I heard

I looked and the five guys were heading towards us. We all got in the elevator.

“15 please,” one of them said.

“Oh, same floor as us,” I replied.

We began our conversation again. They were also there till Sunday. All single and looking to have fun. We reached our floor and headed our separate ways.

“Well, they seemed to like you,” said Dan.

“Oh, they were just being polite,” I replied.

Dan laughed. “Oh I’m sure they’d like to be more than polite,” he teased.

I lightly pushed him and gave him a fun look.

“Oh? Jealous are you?” I teased back.

“Nah,” he replied. “I have impure thoughts about you all the time.”

I laughed, but I couldn’t help wondering what impure thoughts those men may have had.

We got to the room and unpacked.

“So, what do you want to do first?” Dan asked.

“Well,” I started tentatively. “It’s hot out and there’s music and dancing by the pool. Do you want to go check it out?”

“Will you wear the red bathing suit?” he asked.

“It’s the only one I brought,” I replied with a grin.

“Then let’s go,” he said.

We put on our bathing suits. I threw on a short somewhat translucent cover up and some wedges ... You could clearly see the barely there red bathing suit through the cover up. I looked in the mirror and turned to see my arse almost all on show.

“I look good,” I joked.

“You look damn good,” said Dan

The compliment made me feel good.

“Let’s go,” I said.

We headed to the pool. From what I read, the pool at the Cosmopolitan had one of the best daytime parties in Vegas. As we reached the pool there was a line to get in. We looked at each other, shrugged our shoulders and got in line. We were there about five minutes when the guys we met earlier walked by. They recognized us and stopped to say hi.

One of the guys looked at the line and said, “we’ve got a daybed reserved, with bottle service. Why don’t you join us instead of waiting in line?.

“Oh, we wouldn’t want to impose,” I replied.

“Not an imposition at all,” he said. “We got one for extra people.” And then he added, “besides, having a sexy woman in the group acting as wingman helps attract others.”

“Well, I don’t know about sexy,” I said. “But I’ll do what I can.”

I looked at Dan for approval. Dan smiled at me, “lead on sexy wingman,” he said.

We headed to the front of the line. The doorman checked his clipboard and then called someone over to escort us to our table. The guys told us that the rule for table service was that you had to buy at least what the table costs. If you do that then the table is free. The table was set with mixers bottles and snacks. We also had an assigned waitress and security making sure no one took our spot. We asked if we could chip in.

One of the guys laughed and said, “if you’re a good wingman then it’s all worth it.”

“I’ll try,” I offered.

I went to remove my cover up and lotion up. As I started to put lotion on one of the guys said, “need help with that?”

I laughed and said, “thank you, but I think Dan can manage.” I handed the lotion to Dan.

“Lucky Dan,” one of the men said.

Conversation flowed easily. I was starting to get comfortable with the guys names. Allen, Dave, John, Bill, Adam. I’d describe them all but you’d never remember. Suffice to say they were all on the attractive side and I noticed some of the women by the pool checking them out.

I saw two women who had been looking our way sit down on the edge of the pool. They were both in their mid twenties and wearing bathing suits skimpier than mine, if that was possible. Remembering my wingman role, I got up, walked to the pool, and sat down about two feet from them.

They are talking about their flight here and what they might do that night. I chimed in and said we were thinking of seeing a show. They turned to me and we struck up a conversation.

“Eventually one said, “well we’re going to go get drinks.”

“They’re so expensive,” sighed the other one.

That was my in. “Why don’t you join us. We have bottle service at the table. I’m sure the guys won’t mind.”

The girls looked at the guys, then at each other. “Sure,” they said.

I walked them to the table and made introductions. Their names were Kim and Suzy. The guys poured them drinks and it wasn’t long before everyone was drinking and talking easily.

It didn’t take long till Suzy stood up and started swaying to the music.

“Let’s dance,” I said to Dan.

Dan got up and started to dance with me. One of the guys got up and joined Suzy. Kim got up and started dancing too. It wasn’t long before we were all dancing.

Two girls came walking by the table with empty glasses. I stopped them and offered to fill them up. They stopped and joined our dancing group. I was pretty proud of my wingman skills.

Alcohol, conversation, and dancing went fast. Eventually it was about 5pm and I was getting tired. I looked and realized that Dan had stopped dancing a while ago and was sitting down with his eyes closed.

I woke Dan and said, “it’s 5 o’clock. Let’s go to the room and nap so we can make the show tonight.”

Dan nodded his head and got up. We started saying our goodbyes as we did one of the guys suggested we exchange numbers. “In case you want to join us here tomorrow again. You can skip the line.”

I said thank you and we headed out. In truth, all the wine music and dancing had kind of got my motor running and I was looking forward to a little romantic fun when we got to our room ok I meant sex.

We got back to the room. Dan stripped off his trunks and lay down on the bed.

“I’m going to take a shower and then I’ll be right back,” I said in my most seductive voice possible.”

I hopped in the shower and washed the lotion and sun grime off. I stepped out and dried myself off. As I stepped out of the bathroom I saw Dan asleep on the bed.

“Dan,” I said quietly. “Dan?”

He was dead to the world. It was obvious I wasn’t getting any now. I set an alarm, laid down next to him, and fell asleep.

We slept a few hours. When our alarm went off we got ready for the show. I put on my black sheath. It was pretty obvious I had no underwear on. I liked the feeling of feeling naked except for the little G-string. As we walked to the theatre I got more than my share of looks. Considering the eye candy in Vegas I was pretty flattered and feeling good about myself.

On the way to the show we saw two of the guys at a blackjack table. We stopped to say hi and then headed on.

The show was great. Funny, sexy, and a spectacle. We were having a blast. The show ended at about 11 and we headed out of the theatre to get a drink. As we walked through the casino we saw the line for the night club.

“Glad we’re not in that line,” Dan commented.

I looked over and was kind of disappointed. I would have liked to go dancing.

“Let’s call the guys,” I suggested. “Maybe they’re in there and can get us in.”

I could tell that Dan wasn’t thrilled with the idea. I think he was still hungover a bit from the sun and afternoon drinks but he saw the look on my face and shrugged his shoulders.

I called the number.

“Hi Ellie, what’s up?” Allen answered.

“Well, we were just walking by the line for the club and were wondering if you were inside and could get us in,” I said.

“We’re not inside, but it so happens we’re on our way. We have a table reserved and being such a good wingman we’d love to have you as our guests,” he replied.

“Oh cool,” I gushed. “We’ll see you soon then?”

“Yep, just give us a few minutes,” he said.

As we waited we saw two of the girls from this afternoon. They were standing in line. They saw us and waved. We went over and chatted a bit.

Dave, John, and Bill showed up. They explained the other two were playing craps and would be along shortly. We reintroduced them to the girls. Not like they’d forgotten.

I suggested to the guys that the girls accompany us into the club. They agreed and we all made our way to the doorman.

We were shown our table and immediately ordered drinks. The atmosphere was electric, lights, sounds, even when I was a kid I hadn’t been in a club like this. I just wanted to dance.

I grabbed Dan and moved to the dance floor. I was having fun. We headed back to the table. Dan sat down, but I stood and kept bopping a bit to the music. Dave watched me and then asked Dan if he could dance with me.

Dan looked at me, could see I still wanted to dance and said, “have fun.”

Dave and I headed to the dance floor. Dave wasn’t a great dancer but I didn’t care. I was having fun. I pulled out my most seductive moves. I shook my tits at him or my ass. I was feeling sexy and fun. Every once in a while I’d look at Dan. He seemed in conversation with John and Bill and not even noticing me.

That kind of annoyed me and made me increase my effort to be sexy. I started backing into Dave and shaking my ass, or moving up to him like I was going to kiss him and pull away when he reached for me. At one point I let him put his hands on my hips, From the way his fingers moved I could tell he’d discovered I was wearing a G-string.

Allen and Adam showed up and joined us. Adam saw me dancing and asked Dan if he minded if he danced with me. Dan said no and the guys started taking turns dancing with me. They also danced with the other two girls.

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